Friday, April 16, 2010

White Tigers

That is how mostly all white tigers look like, but people kill them in order for other people not to mess with what they are doing to tigers and so they can make a lot of money. To have a white tiger there has to be inbreeding, meaning breeding of closely related individuals so as to preserve desirable traits. These such traits are not the good ones. They seem to have no Good traits in their genes. Most of the bad ones are immune deficiency, scoliosis, cleft palates, mental impairments, and sadly early death. Every white tiger has crossed eyes sometimes it shows and some times it does not. There is no white tiger that lives to be an adult mostly because of the white tiger's disadvantage of camouflage in their environment.

Ask yourself do you ever see white tigers like the one to your right? The really badly ones come out looking like these so the dumb ass people kill them because they are not "pretty enough". In the wild all tigers have a tendency of not letting a white tiger live. Well, if you where a mother and your kid came out "special" and there was no way to help your kid survive THE WILD as an animal, wouldn't you put it to "sleep" instead of letting it suffer every second of his or her life. Zoo's and in-breeders don't want the orange cubs, who are often sold as pets in the exotic pet trade or are killed.

There are many cruel things that happen to white tigers. To be realistic the white tiger is a species that should not be saved. The only thing we have to do to stop this it, stop people from inbreeding the white tigers. It is not really it's own population in this world we live in. Only one of 1,000 Bengal tiger will come out white. Sadly there is an alarmingly high mortality rate of white tigers in this world.They will die because ignorant people have been deceived by the those who continue making these poor helpless animals.

No good comes from tis only money for zoo's and in-breeders, but even worse is the life these white tigers have to live. Please boycott any place that abuse white tigers such like zoo's and those stupid ass wholes of the in-breeders. Please help out or to say reach out to those organizations that are trying to help out these white tigers live a less difficult life. One that I know which people can volunteer to is the in Florida it is called BigCatRescue.

One more thing that is similar to the case of the white tigers is the case of the liger, a mix of a tiger and a lion. They both have many differences. The mother has to die in order to give birth to one. The Liger never stops growing even to it's death. Yes, I know these animals are beautiful but they are in pain every single second of there life. I mean EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF THEIR LIFE. It's sad knowing that stupid Humans are doing this to poor little innocent animals for their own profit. I will talk about this some other time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Once Again...The Start

Here we go again with another one of these. What are my plans for this quarters blog subjects? What are my goals? Have I improved? Have I accomplished my past goals? Hmm... Let me look back to my goals.I have read my last 'New Start or Not' blog. I have seen that I have gone way off of topics I planned on writing about. I have been writing about any random topic that pops up in mind. I have gone out writing by just starting on one word such like the one called 'Falling' and 'Multitasking'.

I have read a book last quarter since I really wanted to and I have to admit it was pretty darn good. I have wrote about it and posted what I liked, not like, and such. I wrote to my dear reading group about the book, The Time Traveler's Wife. They did not seem to comment back, but they did talk to me in person about my book blogs.

For this quater I mostly want to write about anything. Serious ideas that I have in mind that I feel like I should share with others like my blog, 'Useless Humans!'. I mostly want to write little story based on pictures of many stories such like ,'I Reached Heaven'. That one wasn't so good so I decided to make up more. Maybe write about what is going on through my head while I'm drawing since thats ALL I SEEM TO DO.

My goals are still the same in order to be a the best I can be. That is my plan and it will most likely change as it has and will happen. That's just me JAZ!

I was wondering if as a class we can do some sort of game. LISTEN TO THIS SUTHERLAND IT IS ONE GOOD IDEA THAT WE WOULD ALL LOVE!! Okay, so make all the students in every class write down on a small piece a paper a topic they want to write about or will want to read about. You gather them all up put them in your hat or a cup. You go around a make every student grad a piece of paper and that is their topic for the week. YES? I think it's one VERY GOOD IDEA i would love to do. You should try it one week. Trust me it's not that bad of an idea. That way if people get writer's block they have a subject.