Friday, February 19, 2010

I Reached Heaven

As I was doing my work in the fields, gathering that hay and rolling it into a roll, I pictured myself jumping them all like if I had superman's high jumping ability. I pictured it so good that everyday at work I would check out how I could jump one. It started to be my goal. That was the main reason I even go to work. Being payed such low wages at harsh conditions. I also tell me self to have a little fun here and there. So as you can see I had an idea of a very, VERY fun idea in mind!
During the week of my planing I gathered 2 of my best childhood friends to help me out with my AWESOME idea. They agreed and contributed there ideas. In that week we noticed that there was a curtain day and curtain time where there seems to be NO people around to see what is happening out in the fields. We came up with an ingenious plan of jumping the hay roll while they take the picture. One of them, Steve, was in charge of figuring out how i would jump the hay roll. The other one, Randy, was in charge of taking the picture all because he owned a camera and he knew how to work it. We decided to do this the week after we planned it. Everything was ready for Friday 4 o'clock to come around already.
All of a sudden Friday came. I actually decided to dress up nicely for this. I grabbed my Sunday clothes and left. I saw Steve there with a bunch of papers. They were all crumbled and ready to go. He told me he calculated everything. I asked for Randy, but he wasn't there. So instead of waiting for Randy just sitting around. We decided to test out Steve's calculations. He found out I was shorter that what he thought. Which was sad to hear. Randy came and we had fixed all problems. We had some tricks up our sleeves.
I was ready to jump...I jumped with a cheesy smile on my face. I saw jumped I felt like if I have reached heaven. I felt as light as a feather. However as I was falling down I realized I was going to land on top of the hay roll. I actually said, " Oh shit, stop drop and ROLL!" I did. Then I hear from Randy saying I got the pic. I was exited to see what we actually took a pic of. And that is our result, the time where I felt I reached heaven.

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