Sunday, September 27, 2009

SixFlags More Fun

It starts around last year in the month of September that Greg, my uncle, and I went to six flags. Since it was September there was no one out there. We had the amusement park all to ourselves! Even better there were no lines for the rides! We felt an instinct to run around the whole park, that we could not let pass by. So we ran around the park like little kids. It was so much fun.

After the run, we started getting on all the big kid rides. We started out from the small all the way to big. All the rides were really cool. On the rides we always sat up in the front then the second time in the back of the ride. I think we were on something because we were way too excited. It’s like we were two little kids in Chuck E. Cheese for the first time.

When we got to Medusa, one out of two big rides there, we were so thrilled that for the picture we made funny faces. When we saw the picture we laughed so hard for like 10min straight. I remember I could not breathe while I was laughing. These other guy that was sitting in the same row with us were not trying to make a funny face, but one of the guys came out looking so retarded that the glasses he was wearing looked like they were winking. We loved the picture so much we had to buy it. We still have the picture up in the refrigerator at my grandma’s house.

Later on the last one we had to ride was Vertical Velocity. It is the fastest ride in the park. Basically the name says it all. When we were in line, which was a small line. We heard it all the people scream even the ride screams. That was a shock to my uncle, because it was going to be his first time in that single ride. The reaction in his face was so funny that I almost peed in my pants of laughter. His eyes and mouth opened up so big. He looked like that guy from the famous painting called scream. The ride passed by so many times with people screaming and the ride too. He heard it pass two times and he panicked. He wanted to leave so bad that he was jumping up and down with watery rides. What a scary cat! I convinced him to go on it, but he was still scared. We got on right in the front row, just me and him. He was being such a baby he was crying for his mom.

The ride took off and we loved it so much that Greg admitted that he was being a big baby. We kept getting on that ride for over 10 tomes until it was time for us to go. The day was over and the year still had many more days for us to have fun or to say being ourselves.


  1. I like the way you capture your sense of fun in this post. But what's the last sentence mean? "have fun or to say be us"...I'm curious what you mean by that.

  2. We are a couple off goofs so thats what I meant by be us.
