Wednesday, September 16, 2009

While Living in Utah

About 7 years ago i used to live in Utah with my mom, siblings, grandparents, my youngest aunt and my youngest uncle in a big house. My oldest uncle lived with his family in another house near to ours. My uncle , Gregorio, came from a college in Sacramento while winter break to spend the holidays with us. So one day my family and I went over to these mountain where a huge lake freezes in2 the winter.

While we where there we could never go to far in the lake because my parents were to scared that the lake would crack and we would fall in and since there were no park ranger around to help. We couldn't even leave my parents side! That really sucked butt! Once we got in the car and went farther in the huge mountains we found ourselves lost. So everyone got out the car we started playing in the woods around. My grandparents and my oldest uncle stayed near the car in case someone passed by they would ask for directions.

Greg, my brother and I went deeply in the forest and started goofing off, like always. While we were laughing and playing we heard a bear. We got spooked and and stood there for a while really quite. Afterward we all agreed on seeing the bear. We went in trying to look for the bear and we were singing a song that we invented and it sort of sounded like this..."we're going on a bear hunt, we're going on a bear hunt, who is coming? we are coming"My brother was 6 years old and I was 8, it was logical that we would be singing something like this. After 10 minutes my brother and I were tired, but still wanted to find the bear. My uncle started giving us piggyback rides. After 20 minutes we thought that our family left us so we ran back down to the car it took us a while to get there,but we were worried.

Once we were down in the street we saw that they were already on the car and riding down the street slowly. We tried catching up ,but they speed up on purpose! Once we stopped running and just sat there in the middle of the street. We didn't bother standing up because we didn't believe that they would come back. The car was turning around, we were still sitting down and looking really tired and sweaty. They actually stopped and we got in the car and our little adventure was sort of done.

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