Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What to write about?

Through out my life I mostly hang out with one uncle, Gregorio. When we get together we always goof off or do something really unexpected. Even though he is 30 years old he can be a really childish guy.
In my blog I am going to write about our little adventures. I want to write about them because it is really funny. The stories are not talking about being rude and getting kicked out of a store for trashing the place.What I like about the stories is that they happen frequently and unexpectedly. I enjoy telling people my funny stories. I don't make them up, they just happen. I might not write about books I read, but I might change my mind later on.
Through out my years in high school I would love to improve my grammar. I consider myself a really bad speller. I also want to improve in my essay writing. I like writting essays, but I don't love it. If I learned how, where and why, then maybe I could be a much better essay writer or etc. I have heard that to get in a good university you have to have really good essays. I want to be able to know that I have done better than if I paid someone to revise it several times and/ pay someone to do it for me. Those are the two main ways I want to improve in.

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