Friday, December 4, 2009

Hiking After Thanksgiving

A brief summary of the hike my uncle, my brother and I toke on black Friday.

On thanksgiving my uncle, Greg, my brother and I decided to go hiking the day after thanksgiving. I convinced them to leave around 5am. For me that sounds like fun! My uncle slept over my house that night so we could wake him up and so we could leave faster. That night my brother and I stayed up pretty late until 1am watching George Lopez. I Love that show! I love George Lopez he is the bomb!

In the morning we actually woke up around 4am and ended up leaving around 5am. We stopped by my grandma’s house to eat some leftovers food from thanksgiving. We left and decided to go to Mt. Diablo. That place is awesome! We were on our way and it took a while, I mean a long while! There was fog all over. We were going all the way to the top at first. We eventually go to the summit. It was very very cold! It was windy and foggy. We were up top to see the view all the way down. Hahaha what view? We couldn’t even see 2 ft down because of the fog. My brother kept complaining about it being so cold so my uncle pants him! Greg said, “Haha, now your wewe is cold.” No one was around to see but we saw his soccer ball undies! Hahaha!

We got bored and we down low to start our hike. We parked and went into the wind caves to check them out. Since we like exploring a lot we started climbing them and going in the caves for a while. I slipped and fell from very up high. I scrapped my right knew really bad and my elbows. I really didn’t care and kept on going. It stated raining. More fun! We started playing with whatever was around. We left the wind caves and headed our own way. We were going down a steep hill and my uncle wanted to look cool and started to run down the hill…he slipped…dropped down and rolled all the way. It was so funny! Then the day started to clear up. The sun was starting to shine! I started singing, like always with my uncle and brother. The song I started singing was My Girl by The Temptations. That’s one of my favorites! After that we realized it was about to be noon and my uncle told us we had to head back home because he had to go to work. We went back my brother and I started playing around, tripping on rocks and logs, and singing weird random parts of songs my uncle was balancing a HUGE pine cone all the way. It was Fun!

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