Friday, November 20, 2009

What Does Jaz Do For Thanksgivivg?

What do I do for thanksgiving? I do a lot. I usually sleep over my grandma’s house. I wake up to the sound of my grandpa in the backyard screaming at the dog. It's really funny because he is screaming at Gaby, the dog, and it sounds like Gaby is telling him to shut his pie whole. So you can imagine me waking up laughing. When someone is in the room while I'm waking up. They would usually say," Oh Jaz, only you, only you." So I laugh some more. Why do they say that? Because my family knows how weird I am.

When it comes to the point that I go eat breakfast I usually see my grandma and mom starting to cook the turkey. I look at the turkey and I get so freaked out that I actually wake up. It looks scary, I can't handle that.

Afterwards I have to go help my grandpa by giving the dogs a bath. When I mean the dogs it's because we always have more than 2 dogs in the house. This year we have 3 dogs. We have Gaby, the husky, Mr. Bean, the Chihuahua, and recently added to the family 'Osito' meaning little bear; he is the 2 month old sheep dog. Gaby takes care of Osito like if that was her baby. However Mr. Bean gets beat up by Osito since he is a little bit bigger.

After I get done with that I have go help my mom with the cooking. Meaning it’s mother daughter bounding time. My grandma, my mom and I start having a food fight. Someone usually walks in while this is happening and they walk back out without saying a word. Then we know we need to stop.

We end up cooking a lot of food. I MEAN A LOT! You know how Mexican families are. We have the house full on that day and even the dogs eat their share. At night while we are all eating in the house we go around giving thanks. Then we eat! While we are eating WE ALL GOOF OFF! NO ONE IN MY FAMILY IS NOT A ‘NORMAL’ PERSON YOU CAN SEE IT IN OUR PICS. NOT EVEN THE BABIES OR GUESTS GET LEFT BEHIND. That is why everyone’s friends ask my grandparents if they could spend holidays with us.

We are just that awesome!

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