Friday, January 29, 2010

My Hero

GOD, THAT GRANDPA OF MINE! He is my hero! He is the best!
My grandpa, Javier Negrete Ramirez, was born July 30, 1953. He was born in Guadalajara, Tizapan el alto Jalisco in Mexico. He is 56 years old but look 10 years younger than his actual age(everyone in my family looks ten years younger than there actual age). He got married to my grandma, Bertha Flores, when he was 14 years old. My grandma was 13 years old. A year later they had there first kid, Jose Francisco Ramirez. Two year after that they had my madre, Veronica Ramirez. Two years after that they had another little boy, Gregorio Ramirez. Two years after that they had another little boy, Javier Jr. Ramirez. Three year later they had another little boy, Jaime Ramirez. Then three years later they had another little boy, Ricardo Ramirez. Then once again, three years later they had there last kid, a little girl, Martha Patricia Ramirez. In total they had 7 kids. My grandpa used to be a drunkie and they seemed to know nothing about condoms or birth control as you can see.
My grandpa had always lived in a very poor household with 6 little brothers and 3 sisters. Being the second oldest in the family, he always looked for a way to help out his family economically by finding any little job. He always wanted to build his parents a bigger and better house. Once he had his own family he was dealing with too many money issues seeing that he had to take care of two families now and big ones too. He started getting drunk often and he began beating my grandma quite often. My grandma didn't take it she would beat him back. My mom told me that she would grab all the kids in a room and stay in there because the would start fighting. I mean punches after punches!! Let me tell you this: once he was so drunk he started playing with a knife that finger thing. You know that one where you open you hand and you stab the spaces in between and try not to stab yourself? Well yeah that's the one. He actually stabbed him self and chopped him three middle finger off from his right hand. Well not completely off. He came home with the fingers dangling. My grandma took him to the doctor and they sew then back on. So now he can't feel them or move them.
My grandpa wanted to make more money so he came to the US for the first time by crossing the border illegally. I'm not quite sure when but he did not stay for that long. He came Back and left again. This time most of his brothers leave. They stayed in the US for a while then my grandma got worried so she took her butt over there. Then she found a way for all the kids to come because he had a nice job and mula.
The hole family settled in Oakland. My grandpa got robbed so many times! He got pointed in the head with a gun just so they'll get his money. He got hit in the head with a gun in a bus and was knocked out! Bus driver had to call the ambulance. He lived in the same area 2pac lived in walked the same street. I bet he Even said hi once or twice to him.
My grandpa had such a good job he got his residency. He even had enough money to send to his parents. He gave them money for a bigger better house. He had money to even give them two houses one little one and one big one. His brothers envy him. His sisters love him. His parents love him. His nieces and nephews love him. They are always at his house kicking it.
He has such a passion for animals, plants and outdoor. He always brought a different pet to the house. It could have been a donkey, horse, or a dog. But he only stayed with them for a month the longest. Then he would just sell them. He always spends his Saturdays with his dogs outside the house. He has the best looking house, because of all the plants and how well taken they are. I love spending time with him. He is really entertaining. I LOVE HIM. BUT MY GRANDMA IS ANOTHER STORY that i'll talk about next week.

1 comment:

  1. "My grandpa used to be a drunkie and they seemed to know nothing about condoms or birth control as you can see."

