Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Writing Groups

Well I don't really like the idea of groups. The only reason I dislike this idea is because the fact that people have to read your blog in front of you. I like people reading my blog but not while I'm there. It disturbs me. I like people reading them. Most of mine are entertaining and true. Sometimes it can be embarrassing since I seem to write down my funny embarrassing moments.
However this can make our (the class) writing skills improve. We all make careless mistakes but we don’t realize it when we revise our work. In my opinion it’s because we seem to read it, but we actually read what we think we wrote so we tend not see what actually wrote. When some other person takes the time to read your stuff. They find many errors that once they point it out to you realize your mistake. This is the biggest way it can help us with our writing.
The biggest problem with this is that people and I seem to go partner up with our friends. You know what that means! DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION, and more DISTRACTION! GOSSIP ‘Y TODO’! That equals up to…no work done! However if you, Mr. Sutherland, put us in groups no one will be happy or comfortable with strangers reading them. So for me the best idea was Devon’s or Devin’s, however you spell her name, she said that we should have partners and have this done by posting comments on blogger. I like that A LOT!

Thats why the world goes round and people are happy.


  1. I'm reading this right now! Lol does that make you feel uncomfortable? Ahaha I hope it does! Jk Anyway, I can relate to this.. since I'm a bit timid of people reading over my blog too. We tend to think others will judge us based on our writings, but this only happens when it contains stuff about other people... Catch my drift? Soo, don't stress too much about people reading your blog. They only know as much as you allow to show them. Interactions in real life is much more important!

  2. ok. Since you told me right now in class it kinda does make me feel uncomfortable.

    I knida agree with you.

    I like people reading them but i like a friend that I know really good to help me out. lol
