Friday, February 19, 2010

I Reached Heaven

As I was doing my work in the fields, gathering that hay and rolling it into a roll, I pictured myself jumping them all like if I had superman's high jumping ability. I pictured it so good that everyday at work I would check out how I could jump one. It started to be my goal. That was the main reason I even go to work. Being payed such low wages at harsh conditions. I also tell me self to have a little fun here and there. So as you can see I had an idea of a very, VERY fun idea in mind!
During the week of my planing I gathered 2 of my best childhood friends to help me out with my AWESOME idea. They agreed and contributed there ideas. In that week we noticed that there was a curtain day and curtain time where there seems to be NO people around to see what is happening out in the fields. We came up with an ingenious plan of jumping the hay roll while they take the picture. One of them, Steve, was in charge of figuring out how i would jump the hay roll. The other one, Randy, was in charge of taking the picture all because he owned a camera and he knew how to work it. We decided to do this the week after we planned it. Everything was ready for Friday 4 o'clock to come around already.
All of a sudden Friday came. I actually decided to dress up nicely for this. I grabbed my Sunday clothes and left. I saw Steve there with a bunch of papers. They were all crumbled and ready to go. He told me he calculated everything. I asked for Randy, but he wasn't there. So instead of waiting for Randy just sitting around. We decided to test out Steve's calculations. He found out I was shorter that what he thought. Which was sad to hear. Randy came and we had fixed all problems. We had some tricks up our sleeves.
I was ready to jump...I jumped with a cheesy smile on my face. I saw jumped I felt like if I have reached heaven. I felt as light as a feather. However as I was falling down I realized I was going to land on top of the hay roll. I actually said, " Oh shit, stop drop and ROLL!" I did. Then I hear from Randy saying I got the pic. I was exited to see what we actually took a pic of. And that is our result, the time where I felt I reached heaven.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Difficult Decision

I have been talking to my mom lately to see what she can help with in this project. She started telling me a lot of her ideas and what i should and should not write about. She told me a lot of her childhood stories back in Mexico and when she came to the US. I was paying a lot of attention as always when it comes to her real story telling. I have found out that my uncle Gregorio had to make a difficult decision between him and my sister. I was really intrigued so I thought I would blog about this, because it really relates to this project's number two question:
A difficult decision:Have you had to choose between yourself and a loved one? Who did you choose and why?
It's not really a decision I had to take, but my uncle had to.
The people in this story:
- Bertha is my grandmother.
- Javier is my grandfather.
- Gregorio, my uncle, when he was 6 years old.
- Veronica, my mother, when she was 8 years old.
-Jaime, my uncle, when he was a baby.
(Based on a real story)

It happens back in Tizapan el alto Jalisco, Mexico. In a little poor house that contain a big family of six, The Ramirez Family. They were a very poor family with very little income. The money they had was only used to pay bills and buy their food. If there was any money left they were able to buy clothing. Bertha would always leave her daughter with all her siblings and all the chores to do, while she goes off to work. Javier would leave to a hard intensive labor with their oldest son for months then come back with some money, but not much.
Bertha would leave money for Veronica on the table so she could go but the groceries. Veronica has always known about their money issues even though she was eight years old. She would only spend the money on what they needed and nothing else. She knew that if she wanted to buy some gum she would get beat for spending on something that was not in the grocery list. She went on doing everything her mother told her do just so she wont get beat.
One day Bertha left some money in her room. She left to work. Veronica was doing her daily chores. Cooking the meals for her four siblings. Her father, Javier ,had left to work out in the farms. Veronica took her three siblings to school. She was left with her baby brother.
The afternoon came along and Bertha came back home after a long day at work. She went to her bedroom to stash all her money under her mattress. She found out she was missing some money. She got very upset. She rampaged toward Veronica as bull going for the red towel. She started yelling, "Veronica! You took my money! How are you able to steel money from your own mother, when you know we are poor?!" Veronica answered, " I did not take any money from you. All I did today was feed the kids and dad, take them to school, finish the chores, and take care of Jaime." Bertha said, "Stop lying to me! You were the only one in here! Don't tell me your baby brother took it!" Veronica crying responded, " I didn't. I promise."
A couple minutes passed. They kept on going back and forth with the same thing. After a while Bertha told Veronica, " I am becoming inpatient with you! I would rather kill you than go homeless!" Veronica started to cry even more. Bertha got a rope and tied it to a pipe in the ceiling and started to hang Veronica, yelling, " You tell me where that money is or you will die!" Veronica denied everything.Bertha hanged her. Veronica was turning red.
Gregorio walked in the door and noticed what was happening. Quickly, he tackle Bertha and put Veronica down. Gregorio was crying and kept saying," My little sister. Oh my little sister!" Veronica was not dead she was just somewhat hurt. Bertha got up and grabbed both them and hanged both of them. Bertha said, " Oh yeah, your little sister. Oh your little sister. Now both of you are going to answer me...where is my money?!" They started turning purple. Bertha was still yelling for her money. Gregorio not able to breathe said, " I...I have it...It's in my boot!" She put them down, grabbed her money and went in her room.
Veronica asked Gregorio, "Di you really take the money?" Gregorio answered, "No, that was the money I made today from polishing shoes after school." Veronica with a face saying a million times thank you, hugged him.
He took the blame for something he did not do. 'Til this day the thief is still unknown.
Since that day both new that they should never screw up that bad and they never looked at there mother the same way.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Haiti's Loss and Our Loss

In Wall Street Wizard, my investments program, we had a homework assignment. It was: Prove or disprove why Haiti is a $375,000,000 loss?
I thought I should prove this because if I try to disprove this it would be to hard knowing in my head that there is no possible way to prove this.

Haiti was found by Christopher Columbus in December 5, 1942. Then colonized by the French. In 1791, the Africans revolted under the direction of Francois Toussaint L'overture. In 1804, after years of bitter and bloody battle, the slaves forced the French to flee the island. The former slaves then formed the first independent black nation. There had been many great black kingdoms in Africa, but never before had a black government replaced a white colonial government. Haiti's recent age average is 15-65 years. Haiti is a place full of riches. It contains nice weather, food, people,etc. It is a place loved by tourist.

I have seen on tv many fundraisers for Haiti. They have donated a lot of money! There has been plenty of them going on. I have heard on the radio that regular people have donated. They all go to charities such as the red cross and others. Basically, it all ends up saying that America has donated this much money. From my mother and father I have heard that Mexico has donated the most money out of all the world. To think that all of the people in Mexico want to come o the US to earn more money because the majority of the people there are poor. It's just odd to hear that. Back on topic, Knowing that the world aiding the damages of Haiti's earthquake disaster.

Think of this the earthquake left a major disaster on a place most visited place by EVERY tourist in the world. People are going to want to rebuild a place they have loved to go to. That means that every one in the wold will be donating money to aid Haiti one way or another. In my opinion it's all going to be one big match to see what country could donate the most money without breaking the bank. Countries will not be donating just measly hundred of dollars. That is not enough. It wont be million of dollars that's still not enough. we are talking BILLIONS of dollars, no doubt. It would come out to be a global lost of around 2.7 billion. To me it's like the time when Russia was the first to go to the moon. America thought they were the best world wide and they were going to beat them and they gave more years of science to school. There for having the best space and science center.

At the end they wont receive all the money sent to help the people damaged by the earthquake. Building will be fully restored but not all. Some ,but not many houses will be built for the people. Food has been sent and that will for sure be given to the people. The plan we should be working on is the long term sustainable projects! That is key! Help the needy when they are 'old news' to people. When they should be helped more that ever and give tons of medicine. At east pay the doctors some way because they have out there volunteering.