Friday, March 19, 2010

" I have a dream"

Such like when Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “I have a dream…” Well I have a dream to own my own small company every since my uncle, Greg started owning many small companies that failed but succeeded in the beginning. However, he is now owner of Darvi, soccer apparel, which has sky rocketed. It is already a done deal that later it will be in all Macys, but already is selling all over the US in many small stores. He has inspired me to be more, think crazy, don’t care if people or family thinks you’re crazy. If you think it is a good idea, go ahead then if money comes in they will all want some piece in it. He knows this himself because it happened to him more than once. Mr. Sutherland himself has told me to start my own business in my shoe art since he saw what I did to Juhi’s shoes. He said he sees me as a millionaire but hey if I get money its good I don’t have to be a millionaire.
I love drawing. I think it’s a genetic thing. My dad is a very good artist and I didn’t grow up with him, for him to teach me. My mom can’t draw to save her life, neither does my brother. When I was a kid not even 3 the only think you would see me do was watching Barney and drawing. The one thing that I always did which was funny was when I started to fall in love with my porter-potty and thought that I can use it anywhere. You would always see me using my porter-potty in front of the TV while Barney was on and I was doodling. Drawing is the one ways I relief my o f stress and express ,my feelings.
I think I can start an online shoes art thingy. It could be in any sort of canvas shoes. That either one can send me their shoes or I can buy them but at a higher price. I can take orders of what one wants on their shoes, I can give you a bunch of pics to choose from, or I can give you a survey to know what not to put and what to put on your shoes. .
I will like to pass out flyers with pics of the recent shoes I have done around school. I want people to know my shoe art around school. Juhi is my secretary she comes in handy when it comes to some stuff. She was my first customer. I really like her shoes, she does too, her sister does too and many other people that saw me painting them in Reno. Sutherland will have to take a afternoon to teach me how to make a cool website for my shoe art. For a name I have marx, j-project, pickme’s. I want a nice simple catchy name. So be in the look for my project.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Many poeple have been thinking on what will happen...

Many poeple have been thinking on what will happen in the year of 2012. I have been wondering very much about this topic. I have talked to my mom and my very religious christian aunt, that thinks that we will all dye. My aunt and her church is very scared and has been praying 24/7. They should be like, oh yeah hey god is calling for us, it's time for our death, lets be thankful. But no, they are scared shit less. You see no one is ready for their death when it comes to someone telling them that there death is in this such date and at this such time. I say screw this shit. If we are going to dye and there is nothing to do about it well hey we are going to dye. Lets live our last days, months, years, the way we want to. If this is all bullshit, then you wasted nothing maybe years of school, but you had fun.
It says that the Mayans have thought this all out and set it in stone, right? They seemed to be right in everything else they have predicted. It's scary shit! How can a group of people know so much about the future? How can they be so right and have dates for them. They call it DOOMS DAY! Sound pretty scary for me. It makes me wonder what could happen? Will our earth collide with another neighboring planets? Will the sun explode on us? Will there be fire everywhere? Will the earth eat itself up?
I'm my head I picture a lot of chaos in this world all around not just to humans, to every species.
I see the world falling apart. I'll descrive it....
The ground as we see it will crack. Everything is falling down through the crack in the floor. In the oceans there are swirls are all over. Marine animals are screaming scared while there are swirling through that whole where the water is going through. Everything is going through a whole or crack leading to the center of the earth. There are a bunch of people screaming and running around. I see everyone smashing into stores taking food and other things. People going mad in the streets beating up everyone. People running in many directions thinking they are running in the right direction of surviving. Like a place they think is safe. I see kids lost in the streets crying because they have lost their parents. People don't care about those kids. The cracks is taking down people, animals, and such in with them. People out thanking god for the time of there death. People screaming to the skies, at god for a reason of such a horror. People crying all over. That's how I picture it.
It could be very different. There could be nothing going on in 2012. This could all be mumble jumble. But its funny to think of death when you are not ready for it. All we can do is enloy our time and hope for the best. Well maybe.....

Friday, March 5, 2010

Useless Humans!

This is all in my opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Just making this clear.
Humans are useless. Humans evolved from 'animals'. We have gone from all four to just two. From having little knowledge to having more and more. From having a little population to having a bigger one, then bigger one and an even bigger one, well you get the idea. It got really big as you know now. We followed the code of survival for first billions years more or less. To just getting out of line little...Well, then a little more than getting out of line as the years passed.
We humans are a disgrace to nature.In my words the way the bible states that we were put here to serve and protect the animals, then the scientist say that we evolved from animals from being a vegan to being a carnivore. Isn't that wrong? These two give us different facts, confusing ones too! I know I get confused. I believe a little bit of both. I don't necessarily lean into one religion. Hey, maybe i will in the future but all I want is to learn all the different types of religions from different people then choose, or not.
Humans have caused nothing but a big mess in this world. We all have seen or to say felt what mother earth feels about us. I think she has regretted ever having us on her and put so much cements, buildings, and such on her. I know I would if I was her. Wouldn't you hate it if you let some people live in your house with you, then all of a sudden they bring more people, then they just create a bundle of ciaos and leave trash on the floor on purpose?
We have created massacres against each other. We have reject people of our own kind just because of our different skin colors. Some how like when a dog has pups they all come out a different colors. Do you ever see the pups care? No, they don't care. Dogs of different kinds; huskies, German shepherds, chihuahuas, whiner dogs, poodles, sheep dogs, golden retrievers, etc. You always see them mating with each other. The only reason there are pure breed dogs is because humans have forced dogs to mate with their own breed, which is WRONG! They should also have freedom of choosing their own mate like most humans.
We, humans, have created 'societies' that don't care about one another. We are all selfish bastards down inside, some more than others. We all forgot the reason why we are here in mother earth. We decided to build more building for OURSELVES TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE. We have created earth damaging contraptions. We all of a sudden decided to put CEMENT on top of our expanding earth floor. That's kinda of saying, I don't like this because it makes me fall, sweat, jump, leap, travel long distances and short in a long period of time. SO, we decided to MAKE earth more suitable for OURSELVES not thinking of the others who inhabit this earth. We are not at the top of food chain! Put on of us out there with no weapons, we will surely lose.
We have done equal damage to the animals in this earth. We have been chopping down there home because WE WANT paper, MORE HOUSES AND OTHER STUFF LIKE THAT. We have them in display dried up and what not. We have them in our backyards being abused. We have them in the side of the roads dead, shredded, with wheel tracks on them. We also have them in circus' doing tricks for OUR entertainment. Is that fair? HELL THE FUCK NO! Would you like to be in his of her place? We even have hunting as a SPORT!! SERIOUSLY, What the hell man?!
Is that enough damage for you to understand why we are the TRASH in this amazing earth? THAT'S JUST PARTIAL OF THE F'N TRUTH I show you.