Friday, March 12, 2010

Many poeple have been thinking on what will happen...

Many poeple have been thinking on what will happen in the year of 2012. I have been wondering very much about this topic. I have talked to my mom and my very religious christian aunt, that thinks that we will all dye. My aunt and her church is very scared and has been praying 24/7. They should be like, oh yeah hey god is calling for us, it's time for our death, lets be thankful. But no, they are scared shit less. You see no one is ready for their death when it comes to someone telling them that there death is in this such date and at this such time. I say screw this shit. If we are going to dye and there is nothing to do about it well hey we are going to dye. Lets live our last days, months, years, the way we want to. If this is all bullshit, then you wasted nothing maybe years of school, but you had fun.
It says that the Mayans have thought this all out and set it in stone, right? They seemed to be right in everything else they have predicted. It's scary shit! How can a group of people know so much about the future? How can they be so right and have dates for them. They call it DOOMS DAY! Sound pretty scary for me. It makes me wonder what could happen? Will our earth collide with another neighboring planets? Will the sun explode on us? Will there be fire everywhere? Will the earth eat itself up?
I'm my head I picture a lot of chaos in this world all around not just to humans, to every species.
I see the world falling apart. I'll descrive it....
The ground as we see it will crack. Everything is falling down through the crack in the floor. In the oceans there are swirls are all over. Marine animals are screaming scared while there are swirling through that whole where the water is going through. Everything is going through a whole or crack leading to the center of the earth. There are a bunch of people screaming and running around. I see everyone smashing into stores taking food and other things. People going mad in the streets beating up everyone. People running in many directions thinking they are running in the right direction of surviving. Like a place they think is safe. I see kids lost in the streets crying because they have lost their parents. People don't care about those kids. The cracks is taking down people, animals, and such in with them. People out thanking god for the time of there death. People screaming to the skies, at god for a reason of such a horror. People crying all over. That's how I picture it.
It could be very different. There could be nothing going on in 2012. This could all be mumble jumble. But its funny to think of death when you are not ready for it. All we can do is enloy our time and hope for the best. Well maybe.....

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