Thursday, May 20, 2010


Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World written by Louis Fisher. This book is a biography of Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi. It talks about Gandhi's life such as his deep secretes to the public that we are. Those stuff we do not learn about my father, Gandhi. We left off when Gandhi was married to Karsturbai. How there emotions towards each other started changing.

Gandhi's emotions were changing a lot. He started getting jealous. He even started to get get very attracted to her. His emotions were changing all so much, mostly because of his age. He started getting addicted to sex. Who would have known that our dear Gandhi was such a sexually motivated man? He also vowed to calm his sexual life, because he would not just have sex with his wife, but other women too. He made a vow to not have sex again for an event that happened in life. The event had to do with his father’s death.

Gandhi’s celibacy is further complicated by what appears to have been a sense of guilt about sex. He was massaging his father Karamchand’s legs one evening, he tells us, when his passion aroused, he asked his uncle to relieve him and went to Kasturbai’s bed. In a few minutes a servant knocked and summoned Gandhi. But when he reached his father was dead. “If passion had not blinded me,” Gandhi ruminated forty years later, “ I should have been spared the torture of separation from my father during his last moments….The shame of my carnal desire at the last moments of my father’s death…is a blot I shall never be able to efface or forget.”

Who would have known such thing would happen to Gandhi? At least he made it all better for himself in a way that suited himself, his religion, and his wife.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Future Jeep Adventures

In the a few years i want to have my own car, my get away car, my adventurous car. I am pretty darn sure I will get one the day i get my license. My whole family will chip in for my green toed up green wrangler. I decided not to have a quinceanera just to get my dream car. I told them i did not want a nice one. I specifically told them i wanted a old beat up green jeep wrangler. They would ask me why? I would say because it looks better beat up. That way you wont worry much when it comes to other people or yourself damaging the exterior of your car.
I always heard stories about Greg's car and where all the bumps and scratches came from. How funny they were and how inspiring. Since they all were so cool i decided to follow his steps. However, the only good thing i remember about my dad was that he liked jeep wranglers So it kinda hit me, the way i really like that kind of truck.
I want to take a road trip with friends around the us or to Canada and back Maybe a collage road trip. I would have to fix my car recently because since it is a beat up car it will stop in the middle of no where and dye for some reason. Since my step-dad is a mechanic he agreed to teach me how to fix it if it breaks down in the middle of no where.
I wont be the only one driving, my 3 amigas will tag along and will help drive. We have it all set up. Me and Aden Fesehaye will take the night shifts. She will take the first half of the night shift I will take the later night shift, since I am the most nocturnal person out of the fantastic four amigas. Ciara Morris will take the first half of the day shift since she is the most lively person in the day time. Isabella Lino will take the afternoon shift since she is wide awake by that time.
We will stop by all the In-N-outs and get stickers(bumper stickers). I will take them up a mountain in my jeep!! We will go to many clubs. We will hang out and take pics. We plan on taking suggestions from people to who pay online and we will record and show. Sort like this show on tv with i think four guys. That way we get more gas money and FOOD money. At first we plan on buying a lot of food from cotso and taking on the road trip. We also plan on getting in a cotso from a different place and camping out there for a night and see what happens. We have much more to plan, though.
However, we will have to have jobs before that and save up most of our money so we for sure now that we have enough money to keep on going and come back home. Also, all of us have to have our licenses, because then it wont work. That way we will all have stories to tell about every single scratch, bump and such on my jeep. I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL I GET MY JEEP!!


Gandhi:His Life and Message for the World by Louis Fischer. Last time I wrote about Gandhi in his early years of life. How he was a good, shy kid in the beginning. Then turned out to be a bad teen who smokes and such. This is what I wrote.

Now, comes his later years. He his parents wed him at the age of thirteen as sophomore in high school, with out him knowing until the wedding was on. Same goes for the girl he had to marry Kasturbai, which was thirteen too.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi married at the age of thirteen when he was a sophomore
in high school. The bride, Kasturbai, was thirteen too. Their parents made them
about it until the wedding preparations were complete. " My brother's wife had
thoroughly coached me about my behavior," Gandhi wrote forty years after the
event. "I do not know who had coached my wife" Both were nervous, and "the
coaching could not carry me far," he added. "But no coaching is really necessary
in such matters. The impressions of the former birth are potent enough to make
all coaching superfluous."

I think that this is a very bad thing to do since i am a person who thinks that you should decided who you are going to marry. Not the other way around, when your parent choose for you so that the families will get better economic reason. Gandhi also started to be the jealous type. He did not let Kasturbai go out and play with the other kids since she was still thirteen.

"I lost no time in assuming the authority of a husband," So when the
thirteen-year-old Kasturbai wished to play games in the
streets she had to ask her thirteen-year-old husband, and he would frequently
say no, for he was jealous. But she was headstrong and "made it a point to go out
whenever and wherever she liked." He constantly, got "more and more cross";
sometimes they did not speak.

I thought this was quite funny tohear that these two thirteen year old husband and wife. Especially, how they were acting towards each other. How their emotions changed toward each other. That was very sweet in their part since they had no idea they were going to marry each other.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World written by Louis Fisher. This book is a biography of Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi. It talks about Gandhi's life such as his deep secretes to the public that we are. Those stuff we do not learn about my father, Gandhi. It talks about his childhood and how hard it was to him.
The boy Mohandas was shy. "My books and lessons were my sole companions," he
recalled as an adult. At the end of the school day, he ran home. He lacked
the confidence and poise to talk to anybody; "I was even afraid lest anyone
poke fun at me."

That was surprising to hear from the great admirable Gandhi. He who in the future was going to give speeches to an abundant crowd of people for good causes. He who in the future is a role model to all. He who people now think is sexy, had no confidence in himself. He who was going to do what he believed in and had faith that people were going to the same. He who in the future cared for other people before himself.

In fact later he began to have some confidence in himself and he found friends to play with by the sea and in the streets. However, he was still quiet and obedient. Out off no where he started to be a bad boy in his early teens, maybe his smoking and steeling is because of peer pressure from his companions or by getting addicted out of the few times he has tried it.

Nevertheless, he began to smoke secretly at the age of twelve and stole money
from his parents and elder brothers to buy cigarettes.

Once he and his young relative learned that the seeds of a jungle plant named dhatura were poisonous. So they joined in a pact which would rid them forever of parental domination. Moved by the sense of the dramatic, they decided to die in the temple. They actually went to the shrine with the mortal seeds in their pockets. But at the last moment courage failed them. For self respect , each swallowed two or three seeds and walked home.

Shocking to hear, right? Our dear beloved Gandhi was a bad ass at the age of twelve. He started to smoke, steal, hate his parents because of their "parental domination." However the age of thirteen he had to be wed in an arranged marriage his parents set him and her to.