Friday, May 14, 2010


Gandhi:His Life and Message for the World by Louis Fischer. Last time I wrote about Gandhi in his early years of life. How he was a good, shy kid in the beginning. Then turned out to be a bad teen who smokes and such. This is what I wrote.

Now, comes his later years. He his parents wed him at the age of thirteen as sophomore in high school, with out him knowing until the wedding was on. Same goes for the girl he had to marry Kasturbai, which was thirteen too.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi married at the age of thirteen when he was a sophomore
in high school. The bride, Kasturbai, was thirteen too. Their parents made them
about it until the wedding preparations were complete. " My brother's wife had
thoroughly coached me about my behavior," Gandhi wrote forty years after the
event. "I do not know who had coached my wife" Both were nervous, and "the
coaching could not carry me far," he added. "But no coaching is really necessary
in such matters. The impressions of the former birth are potent enough to make
all coaching superfluous."

I think that this is a very bad thing to do since i am a person who thinks that you should decided who you are going to marry. Not the other way around, when your parent choose for you so that the families will get better economic reason. Gandhi also started to be the jealous type. He did not let Kasturbai go out and play with the other kids since she was still thirteen.

"I lost no time in assuming the authority of a husband," So when the
thirteen-year-old Kasturbai wished to play games in the
streets she had to ask her thirteen-year-old husband, and he would frequently
say no, for he was jealous. But she was headstrong and "made it a point to go out
whenever and wherever she liked." He constantly, got "more and more cross";
sometimes they did not speak.

I thought this was quite funny tohear that these two thirteen year old husband and wife. Especially, how they were acting towards each other. How their emotions changed toward each other. That was very sweet in their part since they had no idea they were going to marry each other.

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