Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE]France bans public prayer

I can see France's direction  towards taking this actions. All they want is too make us all equal. They want to start by making all wear the same clothes, doing the same things and worshiping the same god in all the same ways. Doing this there would be no difference to go discriminate upon. There would be nothing to say because everyone does the same things in the same ways.. The only way to stand out is by your personality and slightly in clothes. 
Being that there are many religions out in the world. It will be hard to say  stop, to some of them. You cannot just tell one person to stop worshiping their god in the way the do it. I t goes against their beliefs and what they have been shown as they have grown up. Telling them to stop is disrespectful in all ways. Not respecting each others cultures is what America was and sort of is all about. That is how we got to where we are today. America disrespects all cultures from the start of it's own time. All because they think that their culture is far superior from all others. America even disrespects people n the sence of skin colors and language barriers. This all 
Who is to say we cannot believe in what we want? Worship the way we want? Live the way we want to live? Most people would say there parents but still. Our own beliefs will still be inside us because that is who we are. Who are we judge each other when we are also being judge by others? Respect for each others way of life needs to come first to later determine what truly needs to be addressed as wrong.

1 comment:

  1. France isn't America, and France has a very different culture. Ban on prayer is borderline nationalism, since most people in France do not actively belong to a religion. To live in France, you have to identify with being french I guess.
    that said this isnt an open ban on prayer in general, just public prayer, and i get that. public prayer can be disruptive and stuff.
