Friday, September 23, 2011

[FREE]Ancient Aliens

Lately I have been really into some documentary movies about aliens in the past, Ancient Aliens. They talk about how they are a big part of our history. Not just in ideas but show through actual facts given. However, we do not want to see as truth. They show solid facts but they can be proven wrong. They say that they are what we see as gods. They brought new machinery into our lives and that is how our ancestors were able to produce all of which they did such as the exact measures of the Egyptian pyramids.
However, in other documentaries they talk about how plagues of disease were brought by our so called gods, aliens encounters.   They showed that after the "appearance of Virgin Mary" in Spain there was a deadly plague going around that killed thousands of people and so did in many other places throughout history. It just like when the European people first came to America with their dogs. The Native Americans first saw a dog and meaning that they were not immune to the diseases that the dogs carry. There for many people died.
I like watching these documentaries. They are mind blowing ideas set out with cold facts. I see that we are missing a peace of our history's puzzle. Is a top secret society hiding all this from us?Do they think we could not handle knowing that we are not alone out in the universe? Because hey, out of all the galaxies in space I am so sure we could not be the only planet with life. 


  1. I think ancient aliens is kind of a silly show but i agree, there are many parts of our evolution as a society that cannot be explained. Maybe we're just underestimating ourselves!!

  2. Blah, Irene they put a silly spin on it. I'm sure if they chose to they could sober it up.

    This subject is what i obsess over in my spare time!! I'd love to talk about it sometime!
