Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE]Nasa and Their Plans

WHAT??? ASTONISHING!  For me this is just amazing news. I am a total science lover. I always watch documentaries about the beginnings of the study of outer space and such. The fact about humans having the knowledge enough to reach the moon was mind blowing. Now I am hearing about NASA now able to send humans to Mars. This gets me so sicked! I want to be a part of this in some way. I can be a volunteer astronaut! Just imagine all the possibilities of what this will bring fourth. We, the human population, can now extend our population to Mars territory. Well only if it has a way for human to live upon as if on earth. I imagine this being like the show, Futurama, with populations living in other planets with built in colonies. The president does not have to tell us to dream bigger to go bigger. That should come like a second nature.
Now think bigger! Do you think that if we, earthlings, at a slow pace made this happen how can't other organisms not be as smart or smarter than us with technology. I am a strong believer that we are not the only ones out there. There are so many stars and many more planets rotating around them. We can not be the only planet out there with living smart evolved organisms. So if we are just being able to travel to the neighboring planet, those neighboring planets could also have intelligent organisms traveling at a greater speed than us now. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!! I do not mind the money we have to spend because we could be finding something that could help our population or even better all the Earth. Take it in and imagine the great possibilities. We can expand our knowledge of the unknown outer space and thus helping us expand our knowledge of everything else.

1 comment:

  1. I love love love the enthusiasm that you have for this topic. It is indeed thrilling to think about life in other places...and though my understanding is quite limited, I would say it's gotta be INEVITABLE that there is life elsewhere, given the sheer number of stars out there.

    When you look at life on Earth, it's a FORCE. You see weeds growing through cracks in concrete, or even cracking the concrete so it can grow through. You see all kinds of species surviving or thriving in conditions that seem impossible. You see trees that grow to enormous dimensions, and then host hundreds and thousands of other life forms in, on, and around themselves. Life is amazing, and deep down underneath it all LIFE WANTS TO LIVE. That's how it looks to me here on earth anyways. So why wouldn't that apply in other places? I figure if there's a place that CAN support life, it probably DOES.
