Monday, November 14, 2011

Cyclic Abuse

Abuse being cyclical is something I can relate to in a bit but at the same time it is hard to analyze my situation when people do not want to talk. It seems to be said that it comes from one source but if one analyzes the situation in depth there are probably many reason from different directions.

Some people do not know why they abuse those that they love. They just do it. I think that it may be something that has and still is affecting them mentally. There can be many reason to create such chaos out of a person but the results are the same. Tough as it is, it tends to go down the line of the family. The person has to acknowledge what the loved one did to them to provoke them to be the same way.  To later on not pass it along to their children. Maybe for this to happen one has to hear the fact from another person. Now a days we have psychiatrists to help us unravel the mysteries of our problems and jump over such obstacles that stop us from living comfortably. 

This situation of a cyclical abuse has been seen in my family and in a way still there. I have seen that for a person that does not seek for help, it is really hard to break the cycle. Even if one takes it upon them selves to break the cycle and even more, know that there is such cycle. If there still are fragments of the cycle attached, meaning that it is not fully broken it has to be analyse a little more. My mother was one person who had to break the cycle of abuse in her family. Her mother treated her in a horrible way since the day she could walk until my mother took initiative to say, "enough is enough". She had my father to help her out of it. Once she had me, her first born, she did hit me once whrn I was a baby, but then she busted out crying and said, "never again". However, there are those times she turn into something mean. Therefore some part of this cycle are still attached and it is up tp me to trully break all peaces.

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