Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Great Fall

This story took time when I was 9 years old, my brother was 7, and Greg was 24. We were all pretty young. This story took place in the Joaquin Miller Park. We went out for our first bike rides with our new bikes. I had a little pink bike with white wheels. All around it had colorful flowers. My brother had a guyish bike that was all black. All the way from the wheels to the steering wheel. It had red around the wheel, on the little details, and designs.

So we got to the Joaquin Miller bike trails. We got out the car and my brother and I were ready to take off on our new bikes. Then Greg said, " Alright lets go.'' My brother and I took off.

We all were having fun, racing each other, stopping to take crazy pictures, which we don't have anymore. I remember we stopped at a point were we can see the city right below, we stayed there for a while speechless. It was cool.

We kept going in the the trail. We even went to the places were bikes are not supposed to go. Which were really small trails. Only one person at a time could run. It was sort of like a being on a freeway on a mountain where you keep going around the it just to get to the top or another freeway. There were trees all over it which was really nice the whole park made you feel the scenes of piece and relaxation. A feeling so close to the feeling you get when you give a homeless hungry person some food and they give a true thanks.

So we were on the narrow trails and my brother and I were looking all around. Watching the beauty of nature. We were making jokes as we were going up the trail. Then all of a sudden you hear Greg say, " Its getting bumpy up here." I was being very caution. My brother ignored what my uncle said since he was in the front he stated going faster. All of a sudden my brother came up with a large rock. I was right behind him and saw that his front wheel turned facing the part of the mountain where the hill went down.

Then he kept pedaling and you see him go down to the hill so fast he looked like a ongoing cartoon skit of a kid on a bike going down a steep hill with lines enhancing the velocity that it takes on. Greg and I stopped and watched for a second. Then we realized that he was going to hit a tree so we told him to let go of the bike. He wouldn't let go. We can notice on his face how scared he was even though he was mute all the way down.

Once he hit we realized the fall was around 3minutes long. We were laughing at my brother all his way up. The impact on his face was priceless. It was like he wanted to cry but he wanted to laugh and do it over again all at the same time. After that we went back to the car and left because my brother was kinda in a zombie stage. We never will never forget his priceless face expression and the fall.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

SixFlags More Fun

It starts around last year in the month of September that Greg, my uncle, and I went to six flags. Since it was September there was no one out there. We had the amusement park all to ourselves! Even better there were no lines for the rides! We felt an instinct to run around the whole park, that we could not let pass by. So we ran around the park like little kids. It was so much fun.

After the run, we started getting on all the big kid rides. We started out from the small all the way to big. All the rides were really cool. On the rides we always sat up in the front then the second time in the back of the ride. I think we were on something because we were way too excited. It’s like we were two little kids in Chuck E. Cheese for the first time.

When we got to Medusa, one out of two big rides there, we were so thrilled that for the picture we made funny faces. When we saw the picture we laughed so hard for like 10min straight. I remember I could not breathe while I was laughing. These other guy that was sitting in the same row with us were not trying to make a funny face, but one of the guys came out looking so retarded that the glasses he was wearing looked like they were winking. We loved the picture so much we had to buy it. We still have the picture up in the refrigerator at my grandma’s house.

Later on the last one we had to ride was Vertical Velocity. It is the fastest ride in the park. Basically the name says it all. When we were in line, which was a small line. We heard it all the people scream even the ride screams. That was a shock to my uncle, because it was going to be his first time in that single ride. The reaction in his face was so funny that I almost peed in my pants of laughter. His eyes and mouth opened up so big. He looked like that guy from the famous painting called scream. The ride passed by so many times with people screaming and the ride too. He heard it pass two times and he panicked. He wanted to leave so bad that he was jumping up and down with watery rides. What a scary cat! I convinced him to go on it, but he was still scared. We got on right in the front row, just me and him. He was being such a baby he was crying for his mom.

The ride took off and we loved it so much that Greg admitted that he was being a big baby. We kept getting on that ride for over 10 tomes until it was time for us to go. The day was over and the year still had many more days for us to have fun or to say being ourselves.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

While Living in Utah

About 7 years ago i used to live in Utah with my mom, siblings, grandparents, my youngest aunt and my youngest uncle in a big house. My oldest uncle lived with his family in another house near to ours. My uncle , Gregorio, came from a college in Sacramento while winter break to spend the holidays with us. So one day my family and I went over to these mountain where a huge lake freezes in2 the winter.

While we where there we could never go to far in the lake because my parents were to scared that the lake would crack and we would fall in and since there were no park ranger around to help. We couldn't even leave my parents side! That really sucked butt! Once we got in the car and went farther in the huge mountains we found ourselves lost. So everyone got out the car we started playing in the woods around. My grandparents and my oldest uncle stayed near the car in case someone passed by they would ask for directions.

Greg, my brother and I went deeply in the forest and started goofing off, like always. While we were laughing and playing we heard a bear. We got spooked and and stood there for a while really quite. Afterward we all agreed on seeing the bear. We went in trying to look for the bear and we were singing a song that we invented and it sort of sounded like this..."we're going on a bear hunt, we're going on a bear hunt, who is coming? we are coming"My brother was 6 years old and I was 8, it was logical that we would be singing something like this. After 10 minutes my brother and I were tired, but still wanted to find the bear. My uncle started giving us piggyback rides. After 20 minutes we thought that our family left us so we ran back down to the car it took us a while to get there,but we were worried.

Once we were down in the street we saw that they were already on the car and riding down the street slowly. We tried catching up ,but they speed up on purpose! Once we stopped running and just sat there in the middle of the street. We didn't bother standing up because we didn't believe that they would come back. The car was turning around, we were still sitting down and looking really tired and sweaty. They actually stopped and we got in the car and our little adventure was sort of done.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What to write about?

Through out my life I mostly hang out with one uncle, Gregorio. When we get together we always goof off or do something really unexpected. Even though he is 30 years old he can be a really childish guy.
In my blog I am going to write about our little adventures. I want to write about them because it is really funny. The stories are not talking about being rude and getting kicked out of a store for trashing the place.What I like about the stories is that they happen frequently and unexpectedly. I enjoy telling people my funny stories. I don't make them up, they just happen. I might not write about books I read, but I might change my mind later on.
Through out my years in high school I would love to improve my grammar. I consider myself a really bad speller. I also want to improve in my essay writing. I like writting essays, but I don't love it. If I learned how, where and why, then maybe I could be a much better essay writer or etc. I have heard that to get in a good university you have to have really good essays. I want to be able to know that I have done better than if I paid someone to revise it several times and/ pay someone to do it for me. Those are the two main ways I want to improve in.