Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jaz, What About Music?

I started thinking of what to write for this week. I started saying to my self, Jaz what about music? I came up with writing about The Beatles, not a mini biography. I'm one of those fanatics that really don't care that much about the personal life, I just care about the music they make. That is why I am going to write about how I feel about some of their music. You may be asking why? The answer to that would most likely be I love their music.

My favorite song? Well... there is a lot of them, but my top three are; So Happy Together, Hey Jude, and Help. The song So Happy Together is one out of the little songs they actually talk about love and don't change the subject like in others. Mostly one guy sings about him and his gal being happy together. I like the song Hey Jude, because of what I get out of it. It kinda tells me to make a bad day a better for your self. And that makes me really happy or feel better if I'm really having a bad day. Help? Because it's funny how they acknowledge that they need help and the way how they are really begging for it. I really like how the music keeps changing throughout the whole song and how it doesn't sound bad like in other people's.

I have noticed that in their songs they don't stick to one subject. They keep making up new ideas and they make them work .They have some songs that may be in a secretly manner, that many people don't get, but the people like it. All because I' facetious. I have to admit that sometimes I don't get it, but I like it anyways. Like the yellow submarine, my uncle told me there was another meaning to it, but I have to be older for him to tell me. Which I'm curios about, but you know how they say, curiosity killed the cat. That is what I want to answer for now to the question, Jaz, what about music?


  1. You clearly have a lot of knowledge about these guys; I want to encourage you to delve more deeply into some of the examples you bring up here. I'm particularly interested in hear you break down some examples of songs that, as you describe it, "keep making up new ideas and they make them work."

    What are some other songs that do that? What are the lyrics? How do they work? Now I'm curious...I haven't listened to the Beatles in years, but I'd be willing to get back into it after reading this...

  2. Lol. =) I'll extend on this next week.

  3. I know what Yellow Submarine means! haha. I was actually thinking about it when you were talking about the secret meanings, and then you brought it up. Think sbout being in the sea....
