Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Start or Not

I have read my first blog and I was wondering, have I stayed on topic? Mostly yes. I have been blogging about my funny adventures with my uncle. I said that I might go off topic and blog about something else. Which I did, I started blogging about my preference in music. Well mostly The Beatles.

I was also wondering if I have achieved my goals? I have noticed that I have become a better speller. Which is GOOD! I'm proud of myself. I have also seen that I have become a better essay writer. I have been noticing that I have developed my organisation skills when writing an essay. Which I'm also proud of!

However, I want to start blogging about funny stories with my friends, jokes, mostly anything funny that sounds good to blog about. Mostly because I go to school do work, go home do chores, eat then homework until 9pm or later. So something that would distract me and make me feel like I'm just doing this for fun. It's like your giving a butler a 30min break that is not lunch. What do you think they will do? Probably do something that distracts them from work. Something that they find amusing.Am I right?

Through out these couple of months in school I have wanted to read a book really bad, but I seem not to get one. When ever I go and choose a book out the library with out having back ground information on book. I seem to get books that don't appeal to me. When I do have back ground information on books I seem to get books that I really seem to enjoy and want to read over and over. I will try to read more books that I WILL ENJOY and blog about them. That is one of my goals.

So I guess I might have a new beginning. I will enjoy this very much.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you're feeling the itch to read more. I am going to get us closer to this goal as soon as possible. Keep thinking about what you might be interested in reading more about (such as a book about the history of the Beatles, or your book about financial planning)...and talk to friends about if there's anything you might like to read together.
