Friday, September 30, 2011


Spain's most eldest tradition of bullfighting is seen as something typical. When one thinks of Spain first thing that pops up in mind are toreros and toros meaning the bullfighters and the bulls. It is a hobby of many in Spain. I do not see why people have recently grown care for the bulls to try to stop it. Since when did this start? It has no only been a tradition for the Spanish to do a 'sport' against animals. Why does this have to be so big of a deal?
I see the poeples position as to try to save the millions of bull killed each year because of this They are big animals and we should protect not deny life to it. However, most of these bulls have been forcefully produced by companies owning a bull farm or just plain bullfights. They basically raise them to be killed in the mire future. They are not taken out of the wild where they are 'wild bulls' to defend there life against trained humans. They are raised to be murdered by there men.I have read many thing like this that are mind trippy. The book is called The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre keith. 
Why try to make change if we our self do not know what we are trying to change. We might think we know and our believes blind us from the truth. We need to take a deeper look into the fact about life. Changing this tradition to try to save the bulls. Hey, they are bulls they should know how to defend themselves. It is not like it has nothing to defend its self with. We might be saving one species life but we have to be fair and save all species or kill all species, our selfs too. That is being truly fair judge. Think about it. 

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