Friday, September 30, 2011

[RE]Jazmine Bravo: Taken for Granted

Reading her post reminded me off many things. She is right.We take everything in our life for grated, to an extent. The only things we do not take for granted are the things we worked our butts of to get. Those are the things we will never lose sight of. They are like our trophies stating our succession for accomplishing something as what we saw truly impossible. However, with people that is a different story. The people we do not take for granted, who are they? Think hard now. At the top of my head I an not think of anyone. I always blow my mom off. My dad has never been there. My grandparents, I love them to death but I do tend to take them for grated. Think about it. Do we always call our family from afar for a quick check up and let them know that we care? I do not. Do we always end up in content moods with our parents. I know there is no possible way. We are all human. We tend to always debate with anyone who opposes our view.
For example, the situation with my grandparents. I love them so much. I never call to check up. I do not see them everyday but I do get to see them for at least once a week. However, when I do see them sometimes I try to avoid conversations with them. My mom once brought something to my attention. That they are hard working old people whose bodies are seriously tired. They do not get much sleep because of all the work they have, day and night. I never think of there financial needs when they give me money, I ask to go out somewhere nice, or even worse gift for birthday which they think of as big dollar bills. I take there loving for granted, I take there existence for granted. Now thinking harder, I want to do something special for them something that does not have to be me being older but something possible now.
Never take anything for granted. Everything comes at a price even if we ignore it. Life comes at a price, do not damage your life because you think of it as something positive in a way. Respect your life and life will respect you. 

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