Friday, September 30, 2011

[FREE] Being Vegan to Being Confused

Through out all my life I have lived being truly humble. I try to see every ones point of view and every species too. Even if it is hard I try to look at the world trough there eyes. This fact has made me love all eukaryote and prokaryotes. Evey living thing should have there shot there life as we want our selves to have that shot. Sometimes we even what a second chance at it. This made me become vegan. I did not want to deny any living things its chance in life. Who am I to judge that? I am not god. I am another eukaryote in this world of ignorance. I wanted to be a fair caring person that stop the cycle. I even read, The Jungle's first half. I was disgusted in the way humas treat treat other animals. We have no heart nor do we have respect.
However, after reading the first fourth of The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith, thanks to Mr. Sutherland, I am very perplexed. However, as I always heard from my Pr-Calculus teacher last year, Mrs.Macy, "Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." That is so true. We as humans know nothing, we even try to ignore the facts. We want to see this world as a perfect place. This book contradicts everything of which changed me to become vegan. It tells me that we vegans/vegetarians kill more species than a normal carnivorous person. We encourage agriculture work. Agriculture kills more species than animal farms. People have to go and find more fertile land to create more wheat, corn and such. The extinction of the forest and such kills/puts those species out in exile with no where to go. The kill animals that later become food for decomposers. Those species killed together with animals in food mills too. Oh the irony! The complication of trying to be a truly fair judge is now a more complicating this. This is no white and black picture. "It's all the shade in-between"-Mr.Gross, history teacher.


  1. Tolja it would be a challenge. :)

    Eating right (I mean in a moral sense, in a help-the-planet sense) is so, so, so hard to do. At this stage in our history, it seems almost impossible NOT to eat without participating in some system or other that's killing things you're not trying to kill. So the fact that you're confused is quite natural--so am I, in fact.

    At the same time, food and eating habits are just about the most important thing people need to re-adjust if we intend to get out of some of the worst problems our planet faces. So I am very glad you are facing these tough decisions head-on and working through them...we need more people like you who are willing to ask the tough questions and take up the challenge!

    I hope you will keep writing about your thoughts on this topic...

  2. Right after seeing your post, I saw this one...whaddya think?

  3. And then...
