Friday, September 16, 2011

[FREE]The Senior Year Stress

Senior year, the last year. We get excited just thinking we will graduate soon. The thoughts of leaving the side of our parents because it is time to spread our wings and fly. However, just as birds we also get afraid to take the leap. Just moments away from being up next to jump the nest, stress becomes our best-friend. The stress of looking for a suitable college, applying, finding the money to pay for it, and more clog our brain. The brain can no longer function as well. We try to find people to open up and hope to find the helping hand we need however, it is not so easy to do. The only way to deal with ht e stress we lean on our friends who are also struggling with the same issues. Focusing on college is not the only thing. We still have the issues keeping up a good GPA and not fall into the arms of slacking off and thinking that we have nothing to worry about but have fun. However, these are just the first steps we take to open those wings to their full extent and be set to keep soaring through the sky.  This does not mean we have to take cation in the things we do and do not do. We can still have fun because, hey, we are seniors! However, there is a but in this situation. We have think about the future more because the decisions we take now we will shape our lives into what it can and cannot be. We should not be scared to take plunge because we have all met others who have experienced the college life and others. They have all taught us something from the good and bad choices they have made.


  1. I totally agree with you for one part, I see how you could be thinking about your future and how life's going by so fast. But I dont really see how you could be stressing so much about school. I mean hey dude, "this is senior year" as you said. so ultimately, we should be living the easy life, this is supposed to be our year of relaxation before we move up to college. An even more relaxed enviorment.... And plus the fact that, I see you around, and you could just tell that you feel stressed. Idk i could read people well, and it just shows through your body language. I seriously hope for you the best for your senior year aswell as your future after that

  2. Aw thanks, man. But like its now all about the college apps and then finding out what college to go to then finding the money to pay for it. Plus I have the parents bugging me about it all the time. When all they think is that I do not care and I will be stuck going to Laney for a couple of years then doing nothing. They never ask they just assume. I try to explain but they never listen. That's the stress i deal with. You get me, Buffalo man? lol

  3. yea i feel you. i have the exact same kind of dad. your not the only one. my dad could really be a freaking mf sometimes. gets on my nerves and just gets under my skin. idk i guess i just got a strong mindset and i dont let it get to me. ive always been pretty independent. so maybe thats how ive gotten to be this way, my point is that you just gotta gave some fun dude! take your mind off the b.s.
