Jobs died peacefully, surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement. In recent years Jobs had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant. "

I agree with the quote above. This man changed our lives to place of no return. Our world changed dramatically because of his extraordinary gifts to us. Our cars had to change to fit his new advances in technology. It is funny how one man changed our life. This is the one man that made a technological change since cars, radios and TVs. To me he is considered to be as great as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many more. These are the people that made a change toward the better world. We have to thank him for making our lives better in the way of having music on the go and in style. To making technology shrink in. Thanks to him everything has not gotten slimmer. We do not have to walk around with huge blocky cell phones. Oo=ur computers can do so much more and our entertainment life has grown more that what we think. To me this is all normal since I grew up in it but take a look at it through an elder's point of view! They blown away and very perplexed.
When ever we take a look at our iPhones, iPods, Mac products take a moment to say thank you to this man and his crew as well.
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