Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hidden Meaning?

In the last blogger I have started talking about my choice in music. I wanted to blog more about this last week, but I forgot. So I will talk about this, this week and something else later next week that is not music. Like I have said I will be talking about The Beatles again.

In the last blog I talked about a hidden meaning to their songs. I talked about how my uncle told me all of this, but never told me exactly what. So one day this last business week I was talking with that same uncle about my blog. I didn't ask him to tell me what the hidden meanings are. However he decided to tell me.

He started singing the song, which they lyrics are down below. He said that all their hidden meanings talked about them being high, being intoxicated with weed. Which back then was totally normal. They never hid the truth of them smoking pot from the public. As you can see in the Abbey Road album cover. In the song Yellow Submarine says that they are high with there friends. That they are so high they don't feel like they are in this world. They are so high they are really loopy. They are basically singing about themselves about how they feel when they are high.

I have never in my life gotten high off of weed or any other drugs. I have gotten high off of chocolate many times before! Hahaha. Yes that's how my friends and I role, but I don't know about other people. What is getting high off chocolate? Well for me it's getting so hyper off of chocolate that your twitching, laughing at everything, talking to people you don't know about any random subject, having a staring competition with your self in the mirror. That is what getting high off of chocolate is for me. Might be different for others. However I back to the one and only The Beatles. To prove my point here. I am not able to understand their meanings of getting high. So if someone told me what they are actually saying I would be very confused. I would have no clue of what they are saying, but I know what they are talking about.

Look at it this way if you know what getting high is ask a person that's an expert on this. However, if you don't you still listen to their music its pretty good. Wait pretty good!? No its freaking great!!! Its all groovy baby!

Yellow Submarine by The Beatles
In the town where i was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all on board
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine.

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jaz, What About Music?

I started thinking of what to write for this week. I started saying to my self, Jaz what about music? I came up with writing about The Beatles, not a mini biography. I'm one of those fanatics that really don't care that much about the personal life, I just care about the music they make. That is why I am going to write about how I feel about some of their music. You may be asking why? The answer to that would most likely be I love their music.

My favorite song? Well... there is a lot of them, but my top three are; So Happy Together, Hey Jude, and Help. The song So Happy Together is one out of the little songs they actually talk about love and don't change the subject like in others. Mostly one guy sings about him and his gal being happy together. I like the song Hey Jude, because of what I get out of it. It kinda tells me to make a bad day a better for your self. And that makes me really happy or feel better if I'm really having a bad day. Help? Because it's funny how they acknowledge that they need help and the way how they are really begging for it. I really like how the music keeps changing throughout the whole song and how it doesn't sound bad like in other people's.

I have noticed that in their songs they don't stick to one subject. They keep making up new ideas and they make them work .They have some songs that may be in a secretly manner, that many people don't get, but the people like it. All because I' facetious. I have to admit that sometimes I don't get it, but I like it anyways. Like the yellow submarine, my uncle told me there was another meaning to it, but I have to be older for him to tell me. Which I'm curios about, but you know how they say, curiosity killed the cat. That is what I want to answer for now to the question, Jaz, what about music?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Nightmare Came To Life!

Have you ever had a nightmare that you end up going to school or an important event and your pants fell down in front of every one? I have not but It happened to me in real life.
I had won a scholarship to a private summer school for four years when I was in the 5th grade. The school was called Head-Royce School, but the program is called Heads-Up.I had lots of fun in that program. I had meet new friends, seen new things,advanced in learning skill, and I have meet some of the coolest teachers there,which 'm still in contact with.
Well, back to the nightmare. It was 8th grade graduation an I was wearing a fancy shirt, skirt, tights, and fancy new high heels. We were all so exited. Out off the students in the beginning of the program only 20 of us were the ones that stayed in the program for 3 years so far.
We walked in the graduation event. We went through the whole graduation and It went swell. It ended we said bye see you next year.
My mom and I went over to my grandma's house where my whole family was waiting for us. They were all so happy I graduated. Then 20mins after I started walking around the small living room crowded with a bunch of people. I was the center of attention. Then I was in front of my family talking everyone. All of a sudden my skirt fell down. I paused with my mouth open for like 30second. I looked down to see if they really fell down or if I was imagination stuff. I realized I wasn't and started running to the closest room with my skirt around my ankles. It looked like I was wobbling. Everyone was watching me! Not one person in the living room did not see that. Everyone one was laughing so hard even myself. I was so embarrassed. Can you imagine that? Now everyone in my family makes fun of me when they see me. Not one day can I go without remembering that embarrassing moment, but good thing it wasn't during graduation. That is my nightmare come to life.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Tatum Article

(9.) Stereotypes, omissions,[7] and distortions all contribute to the development of prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived[8] judgment or opinion, usually based on limited information.I assume that we all have prejudices, not because we want them, but simply because we are so continually exposed to misinformation about others. Though I have often heard students describe someone as not having “a prejudiced bone in his body,” I usually suggest that they look again.

(10.) Prejudice is one of the inescapable consequences of living in a racist society. Cultural racism—the cultural images and messages that affirm the assumed superiority of Whites and theassumedinferiority of people of color—is like smog in the air. Sometimes it is so thick it is visible, other times it is less apparent,[9] but always, day in and day out, we are breathing it in. None of us would introduce ourselves as “smog-breathers” (and most of us don’t want to be described as prejudiced), but if we live in a smoggy place, how can we avoid breathing the air? If we live in an environment in which we are bombarded with stereotypical images in the media, are frequently exposed to the ethnic jokes of friends and family members, and are rarely informed of the accomplishments of oppressed groups, we will develop the negative ideas about those groups that form the basis of prejudice. […]

During the first paragraph what I first highlighted was very important. Why? Because I stopped and made a very long paused saying, ooh.

What it meant to me was that, we are not just born with prejudice in us but we gather it from the little information we received from our parents and or adults in our surroundings. In the third sentence and the fourth I agreed while reading it. I reminded me of a song called I can see clearly now by Bob Marley. Even throughout the rest of this second paragraph mostly because of how the show there examples. By the way I think are very good ones. The phrase, assumed not proved kept popping up in my head during the second paragraph above. The third sentence on it was really nice that I loved it and want it tattooed on my wrist. I circled the word bombarded because to me it sounds really funny and I laugh every time I see, hear, or say it, for some weird reason. The last sentence or so that I highlighted I answered with the word dyeing, because its true you would die. I liked this two paragraph because of the good visual examples she provides.