Friday, October 21, 2011
[FREE] This Book
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. Now this is a book to read if you want a challenge. Thanks to my english teacher, Sutherland, I have come to love the knowledge this book haas provided for me. What one discoveres about trying to create justice for all living organisms ranges from every corner. I have only read about one-third of this book. I know it is not a lot but out that section I have learned much. However, before this book I was a solid vegan for about two months or so. After reading this I am no longer vegan, well to an extent. I have learned that we can not create pure justice for all to live in harmony with each other. Some one had to killed to nurish the world. The reason why I became vegan was because I love animals and with my career in mind I would love to help them. Being a normal human carnivore was contradicting this. I had tostart saving these animals some how. So I became vegan. However like Lierre says, "I wont eat anything that has a mother or a face." This was also for some of the huge population of organisms to be saved. Plant are living organisms and so are the seeds. Eating of f of seeds and plants was also killing things that somehow had a face or a mother. This really startled me. For almost a day I did not want to step on grass or anything. I hoped that I was able to float to therefore not damage anyliving organism. However I got further and further in the book and my hope for all of this went down the drain. The was no hope for justice and hormany for ALL. Sadly we had to live in the world like this. I did not know what to do so I just went on as everyone else, to an extent. Knowing the situation about milk I do not drink milk and try to avoind anything hat containes milk form a cow or anythoer animal. The deal about the gross diet that chickens have. I really avooind tat meat and red meat. Sometimes yes my beliefes tend to be igore by my tastes buds and go for that burger and piece of chicken but in my daily life all this is not part of my diet.
Friday, October 14, 2011
[CE] Steve Jobs
"Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said.
Jobs died peacefully, surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement. In recent years Jobs had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant. "
"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless
innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," read a statement
by Apple's board of directors.
"The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love
was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and
to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts." I extracted these quotes from abc news.
I agree with the quote above. This man changed our lives to place of no return. Our world changed dramatically because of his extraordinary gifts to us. Our cars had to change to fit his new advances in technology. It is funny how one man changed our life. This is the one man that made a technological change since cars, radios and TVs. To me he is considered to be as great as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many more. These are the people that made a change toward the better world. We have to thank him for making our lives better in the way of having music on the go and in style. To making technology shrink in. Thanks to him everything has not gotten slimmer. We do not have to walk around with huge blocky cell phones. Oo=ur computers can do so much more and our entertainment life has grown more that what we think. To me this is all normal since I grew up in it but take a look at it through an elder's point of view! They blown away and very perplexed.
When ever we take a look at our iPhones, iPods, Mac products take a moment to say thank you to this man and his crew as well.
Jobs died peacefully, surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement. In recent years Jobs had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant. "

I agree with the quote above. This man changed our lives to place of no return. Our world changed dramatically because of his extraordinary gifts to us. Our cars had to change to fit his new advances in technology. It is funny how one man changed our life. This is the one man that made a technological change since cars, radios and TVs. To me he is considered to be as great as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many more. These are the people that made a change toward the better world. We have to thank him for making our lives better in the way of having music on the go and in style. To making technology shrink in. Thanks to him everything has not gotten slimmer. We do not have to walk around with huge blocky cell phones. Oo=ur computers can do so much more and our entertainment life has grown more that what we think. To me this is all normal since I grew up in it but take a look at it through an elder's point of view! They blown away and very perplexed.
When ever we take a look at our iPhones, iPods, Mac products take a moment to say thank you to this man and his crew as well.
[FREE]Art, Nothigng More But
Drawing is all I do. I started doodling when I was able to hold a pencil. I would always doodle. I had tons of drawings. I gave all of them away, though. Whenever there was a small drawing on my homework for any class in Elementary school I would always color it in very nicely. Not one homework would leave uncolored. My art passion came from thin air. My father is an artist and he walked out when I was 1 so I never really learned from him. My mom can not draw something nicely to save her life. All she can draw are stick people and not that nicely. It is funny. My two youngest uncles once and while showed me something new because my Father taught them how to draw when they were little kids. They always had me doing little techniques to help with my shading and to make perfect circles with one stroke. However, that only lasted about a year. After that they were in their own world of teenage years. Through out my life I always drew objects I saw. I could never come up with some ideas of what to draw. I guess my imagination is not a big and well as my observation skills. When I color I do not just color it in with one color because I notice that there are more than one color in a such thing to make it look exactly how it is. I guess I over think stuff and want them to come out perfect. However, when I draw, my family always says I draw exactly like my dad in every way and I hate that. All of those comments make me sad because I know not much of how this man is and he left behind a talent in genes that I can not share with the one who gave it to me. But drawing is my passion, my gateway to peace. Because when I draw everything around me disappears and I feel like I am taken to a sunny garden with swings and birds. Everythng is so peaceful and my mind is in black. All the focus and thoughts are on the object I am drawing. The; is the shading to light? Should i go darker? what technique to use for this and that? That is my passion for art.
[ESSAY]Business is Business
Cohen's point of view is correct, business wise. Many people may argue his point, but if a business wants to sell they want to do it using every tactic they can find. While making the product, the business has visualized who they are trying to sell to, not being prejudice.Having model look-a-like emplyers promotes the brand and the feel of the store. Promoting a business in this way is not illegal it is just seen as a moral issue.
When businesses are comming up with "the next big thing" they ahave plenty of ideas in mind. While actually putting it in place they have to explain the deatils in depth, from quality of cloths to targeted consumer. Yes, Abercombie & Fitch might project an image that is frowns upon a group of people. They promote an image of mostly white people and some blacks. They say that it is a "classic American look" This may provoke assumtions that they see Americans as only being whites and blacks however that is not the case. They see them as there targeted consumers.Why? Mainly because they see rich white and black people seem to be "picky" with clothes and somewhat prepy. Abercrombie & Fitch provides this for them. The company is being discrimant towards anyone they just had in mind a goal.
When walking into a Abercombie & Fitch store you picture it to have workers that suit the feel of clothes and images of it. Having a person that is the complete opposite you do not really want to buy from that certain person. We immediately start looking for alternative workers to talk to. We want to receive the feel of the store through the people that work there. If those certain people that work there it is because they use the clothes on the daily basis and project the life of the models. This goes for any store. The workers always project the the feel of the store. Such as, Hot Topic, they are always white punk type of people. I have ever seen a formal looking person or an Indian working there. They all are walking, talking, money making billboards.
No company takes the risk to get sewed for doing something illegal. In this matter none of this illegal. The company has the right to hire whom ever they want. It is not as if they are denying the right to anyone who is out of their "classifications" to work there or purchase any item. If a person wants to work in a store that hires upon looks then they know what they are going up upon. It is not like it is a coincidence that in every store they seem to have the same "type" of people working. If they end up working behind the scene it just mean that they do not fit the qualifications to be a a walking billboard not that they are not "pretty enough." These company do not deny any one their right to work where ever they want and buy what ever they want.
This may all seem as if Abercrombie & Fitch is a racist prejudice company, but are they making money? Yes they are, and a lot. Mostly because all people at some own something from their store. Morally it is an issue but it does not affect the right of any person to do as they please when it comes to work and shopping. Business is business and whatever sells with out creating an issue later faced with law, these companies will use. Business men and woman have some sense of morality but profits are first. Such as what a Redpoint Venture Engineer always says, "The only color we see[in business] is green."
When businesses are comming up with "the next big thing" they ahave plenty of ideas in mind. While actually putting it in place they have to explain the deatils in depth, from quality of cloths to targeted consumer. Yes, Abercombie & Fitch might project an image that is frowns upon a group of people. They promote an image of mostly white people and some blacks. They say that it is a "classic American look" This may provoke assumtions that they see Americans as only being whites and blacks however that is not the case. They see them as there targeted consumers.Why? Mainly because they see rich white and black people seem to be "picky" with clothes and somewhat prepy. Abercrombie & Fitch provides this for them. The company is being discrimant towards anyone they just had in mind a goal.
When walking into a Abercombie & Fitch store you picture it to have workers that suit the feel of clothes and images of it. Having a person that is the complete opposite you do not really want to buy from that certain person. We immediately start looking for alternative workers to talk to. We want to receive the feel of the store through the people that work there. If those certain people that work there it is because they use the clothes on the daily basis and project the life of the models. This goes for any store. The workers always project the the feel of the store. Such as, Hot Topic, they are always white punk type of people. I have ever seen a formal looking person or an Indian working there. They all are walking, talking, money making billboards.
No company takes the risk to get sewed for doing something illegal. In this matter none of this illegal. The company has the right to hire whom ever they want. It is not as if they are denying the right to anyone who is out of their "classifications" to work there or purchase any item. If a person wants to work in a store that hires upon looks then they know what they are going up upon. It is not like it is a coincidence that in every store they seem to have the same "type" of people working. If they end up working behind the scene it just mean that they do not fit the qualifications to be a a walking billboard not that they are not "pretty enough." These company do not deny any one their right to work where ever they want and buy what ever they want.
This may all seem as if Abercrombie & Fitch is a racist prejudice company, but are they making money? Yes they are, and a lot. Mostly because all people at some own something from their store. Morally it is an issue but it does not affect the right of any person to do as they please when it comes to work and shopping. Business is business and whatever sells with out creating an issue later faced with law, these companies will use. Business men and woman have some sense of morality but profits are first. Such as what a Redpoint Venture Engineer always says, "The only color we see[in business] is green."
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