GOD, THAT GRANDPA OF MINE! He is my hero! He is the best!
My grandpa, Javier Negrete Ramirez, was born July 30, 1953. He was born in Guadalajara, Tizapan el alto Jalisco in Mexico. He is 56 years old but look 10 years younger than his actual age(everyone in my family looks ten years younger than there actual age). He got married to my grandma, Bertha Flores, when he was 14 years old. My grandma was 13 years old. A year later they had there first kid, Jose Francisco Ramirez. Two year after that they had my madre, Veronica Ramirez. Two years after that they had another little boy, Gregorio Ramirez. Two years after that they had another little boy, Javier Jr. Ramirez. Three year later they had another little boy, Jaime Ramirez. Then three years later they had another little boy, Ricardo Ramirez. Then once again, three years later they had there last kid, a little girl, Martha Patricia Ramirez. In total they had 7 kids. My grandpa used to be a drunkie and they seemed to know nothing about condoms or birth control as you can see.
My grandpa had always lived in a very poor household with 6 little brothers and 3 sisters. Being the second oldest in the family, he always looked for a way to help out his family economically by finding any little job. He always wanted to build his parents a bigger and better house. Once he had his own family he was dealing with too many money issues seeing that he had to take care of two families now and big ones too. He started getting drunk often and he began beating my grandma quite often. My grandma didn't take it she would beat him back. My mom told me that she would grab all the kids in a room and stay in there because the would start fighting. I mean punches after punches!! Let me tell you this: once he was so drunk he started playing with a knife that finger thing. You know that one where you open you hand and you stab the spaces in between and try not to stab yourself? Well yeah that's the one. He actually stabbed him self and chopped him three middle finger off from his right hand. Well not completely off. He came home with the fingers dangling. My grandma took him to the doctor and they sew then back on. So now he can't feel them or move them.
My grandpa wanted to make more money so he came to the US for the first time by crossing the border illegally. I'm not quite sure when but he did not stay for that long. He came Back and left again. This time most of his brothers leave. They stayed in the US for a while then my grandma got worried so she took her butt over there. Then she found a way for all the kids to come because he had a nice job and mula.
The hole family settled in Oakland. My grandpa got robbed so many times! He got pointed in the head with a gun just so they'll get his money. He got hit in the head with a gun in a bus and was knocked out! Bus driver had to call the ambulance. He lived in the same area 2pac lived in walked the same street. I bet he Even said hi once or twice to him.
My grandpa had such a good job he got his residency. He even had enough money to send to his parents. He gave them money for a bigger better house. He had money to even give them two houses one little one and one big one. His brothers envy him. His sisters love him. His parents love him. His nieces and nephews love him. They are always at his house kicking it.
He has such a passion for animals, plants and outdoor. He always brought a different pet to the house. It could have been a donkey, horse, or a dog. But he only stayed with them for a month the longest. Then he would just sell them. He always spends his Saturdays with his dogs outside the house. He has the best looking house, because of all the plants and how well taken they are. I love spending time with him. He is really entertaining. I LOVE HIM. BUT MY GRANDMA IS ANOTHER STORY that i'll talk about next week.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Own Island Seems To Be Surrounded By My Own Tears-POEM

When I cry myself to sleep
Please don't tell me that everything will be better
Because you and I know
This pain will never leave
It may be the first time you see me cry
But it isn't the first or last time
I will cry myself to sleep
I hope to god I drown in my tears
I hope to god this pain will soon leave
I ask god, why me, out of all these people?
Why do I have to go on pretending that everything is going well?
When deep inside, I am screaming
Hoping a helping hand will soon appear
While waiting in this deserted island surrounded by my own tears
While you say goodnight, I ask myself, what is a good night for me?
Is it when I seem to forget that pain, but then wake up with tears
Running down my face
Like two water falls streaming down both my eyes?
Is it when I cannot sleep at all
Because of the immense pain?
Or is it when I have no more tears in me that all I do
Is pray for tears?
The tears may leave or disappear
There might be a stupid smile on my face
But the hurricane, inside me is still there
as powerful as it has been and as it will be
For the rest of my miserable life with out you and your love
Goodnight and let the tears begin to flow down my sad face
I hope to god, someone will come along and help
But how and when?
I do not know
I wish I did, but no one said life is fair
I'm falling to pieces and no one seems to care
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Questions Of The First Final
In my first English final of the year. We had to pick three questions out many that we had to choose from. I decided to go for the ones that I thought I could go on writing, or to say typing, for a while. I ended up with questions six, two and number ten.
10. Where do you get your ideas for blog post topics? What inspires you to write?
Where is that I get my ideas from? Well... I usually start by looking back on recent or past moments in life where they are pretty funny, sad, and or fun.At of all those I sum up in my life so far, most of them turn out to be the times when I'm with my brother and my uncle, Gregorio. It's all because when ever we hang out we have a lot of fun. From us you should always expect the unexpected. Some other ways I get my inspiration is from my family. I have a very complicated family and let me tell you this, we are not a NORMAL FAMILY NOT EVEN OUR DOGS!
Here is an example of one of the blogs that I received my inspiration :
"...my grandpa in the backyard screaming at the dog... Gaby, the dog,...sounds like Gaby is telling him to shut his pie whole...Gaby takes care of Osito like if that was her baby. However Mr. Bean gets beat up by Osito since he is a little bit bigger, and Mr. Bean seems to be in love with the husky but the husky never notices him since he's tiny... My grandma, my mom and I start having a food fight...While we are eating WE ALL GOOF OFF! NO ONE IN MY FAMILY IS A ‘NORMAL’ PERSON YOU CAN SEE IT IN OUR PICS. NOT EVEN THE BABIES OR GUESTS GET LEFT BEHIND. That is why every one's friends ask my grandparents if they could spend holidays with us..."
Click here to read the rest "What Does Jaz Do For Thanksgiving?"
Click here to read the rest "What Does Jaz Do For Thanksgiving?"
Here are some powerful quotes I have found to represent what I feel toward my family:
"The family is one of nature's masterpieces."
~George Santayana
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you,
as you are to them."
~Desmond Tutu
2. Choose one of your posts. (Your favorite? Your least favorite? The one that surprises you the most when you reread it? Any one you want to pick.) Analyze it in detail, with quotes etc.
During my childhood, not saying I'm an old lady, my brother and I had many adventures. I enjoyed writing the blog about my brother and I, Call Us The BackYardigans. It tells you and my audience, well my little audience, all the fun we had once getting back form school, back in the elementary years. I felt like it was yesterday, but it has been almost five years or so since we last played in our backyard. I don't know what I would have done without with my brother stuck yo me 24/7 like a piece of chewed up gum stuck to the bottom of a desk. He is like a nose. It annoys you when you look at something at a curtain angle and you see it, but you need it smell. You couldn't live such a great life without smelling the wonders of nature.
This one had to be my favorite one out of all of them. I loved it so much that it took me back to those times when my brother and I were kids. That night I just had to go to my brother and start fooling around with him like old times. We actually started being so childish and loud that my mom came in and said, " Aw! I haven't seen my two little babies like this in a while. It reminds me of when you were kids back in the backyard and how you two seemed to disappear and go to your little world somehow."
Here is a piece of my blog were I talk about how much I love my brother:
"Ooh my brother, he is the best brother I could have. I am so glad I have him. We can't live together sometimes, but we can't live without each other. THAT IS TRUE! Every one in my family can tell if we have gone days without seeing each other. They say we look sad. It's pretty true we feel like we are missing something."
Here are some strong quotes that represent what I feel toward my brother:
"To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time."
~Clara Ortega
"There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother."
~Astrid Alauda
"A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams."
~Author Unknown
"All for one and one for all
My brother and my friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers 'til the end."
~Author Unknown
My brother and my friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers 'til the end."
~Author Unknown
6. In what way(s) have you surprised yourself this semester on your blog? Have you tried topics you didn't think you'd write about? Approached a familiar topic from an unfamiliar angle? Discovered more "depth" to a topic than you first thought was possible? Explain.
In the blogs What to write about? and New Start or Not I said many things such as what I wanted to blog about and what I didn't want to. Looking back and re-reading my blogs I have surprised myself in how I went to one subject to another. The one subject I sticked to is the know talking about my adventures with my uncle and brother. I never thought I would blog about music. I thought that everyone talks about music and it's just gotten old. However I seemed to be listening to my favorite band that day I wrote Jaz, What About Music? I got so caught up in the music that I just had to write about it. I extended on it in Hidden Meaning? seeing Mr. Sutherland wanted to hear more on the subject and I had no problem with it. Also because my uncle told me the answer to the question I had in my head for a a couple of years, the day after I had posted the blog I said, "why not? Why leave Mr. Sutherland with the killing curiosity that I had for years?"
I was also surprised to see how my grammar had improved. That was my main goal. I think it's how when ever you check your spelling and you keep seeing the same stupid mistakes you know what your not supposed to do. Our mind see's what we are doing and it reminds us later on once we seem to begin to do the same stupid mistake. However, when ever we try to proof read our own work we never see our mistakes. Just like what I said in Writing Groups.
" We all make careless mistakes but we don’t realize it when we revise our work. In my opinion it’s because we seem to read it, but we actually read what we think we wrote so we tend not see what actually wrote. When some other person takes the time to read your stuff. They find many errors that once they point it out to you realize your mistake. This is the biggest way it can help us with our writing."
This shows how I have realized my triumphs in English class in New Start or Not:
"I was also wondering if I have achieved my goals? I have noticed that I have become a better speller. Which is GOOD! I'm proud of myself. I have also seen that I have become a better essay writer. I have been noticing that I have developed my organisation skills when writing an essay. Which I'm also proud of!"
“All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope” | |
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Writing Groups
Well I don't really like the idea of groups. The only reason I dislike this idea is because the fact that people have to read your blog in front of you. I like people reading my blog but not while I'm there. It disturbs me. I like people reading them. Most of mine are entertaining and true. Sometimes it can be embarrassing since I seem to write down my funny embarrassing moments.
However this can make our (the class) writing skills improve. We all make careless mistakes but we don’t realize it when we revise our work. In my opinion it’s because we seem to read it, but we actually read what we think we wrote so we tend not see what actually wrote. When some other person takes the time to read your stuff. They find many errors that once they point it out to you realize your mistake. This is the biggest way it can help us with our writing.
The biggest problem with this is that people and I seem to go partner up with our friends. You know what that means! DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION, and more DISTRACTION! GOSSIP ‘Y TODO’! That equals up to…no work done! However if you, Mr. Sutherland, put us in groups no one will be happy or comfortable with strangers reading them. So for me the best idea was Devon’s or Devin’s, however you spell her name, she said that we should have partners and have this done by posting comments on blogger. I like that A LOT!
Thats why the world goes round and people are happy.
However this can make our (the class) writing skills improve. We all make careless mistakes but we don’t realize it when we revise our work. In my opinion it’s because we seem to read it, but we actually read what we think we wrote so we tend not see what actually wrote. When some other person takes the time to read your stuff. They find many errors that once they point it out to you realize your mistake. This is the biggest way it can help us with our writing.
The biggest problem with this is that people and I seem to go partner up with our friends. You know what that means! DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION, and more DISTRACTION! GOSSIP ‘Y TODO’! That equals up to…no work done! However if you, Mr. Sutherland, put us in groups no one will be happy or comfortable with strangers reading them. So for me the best idea was Devon’s or Devin’s, however you spell her name, she said that we should have partners and have this done by posting comments on blogger. I like that A LOT!
Thats why the world goes round and people are happy.
Friday, January 8, 2010

Multitasking is a natural thing to do, in, in opinion. Ask your self is it possible. Ask your self is it really possible to do only one thing? Can you really? Just take a look at this, when you are sleeping you are breathing, your heart is pumping blood, you might have a dream, you might move around your bed. When you’re walking you start stepping foot by foot, your aware of your surroundings, you’re looking around. Even when you’re eating because you are chewing, moving your mouth to keep it closed, aiming for your mouth, looking around, tasting your food, and unknowingly making sure that your food is small enough to pass down your throat. So really now can you live without multitasking? Can anyone live without multitasking?
Now really think of this; you have to multitask in order to survive. Surviving the world, streets, etc might mean you have to multitask, right. Can you survive without multitasking? Can you survive by concentrating on one thing specifically? Such like just concentrating in making sure your heart is pumping blood through your body. Which might mean you have to just stand their nice and still without thinking or doing anything else, but you have to breathe in order to do that so…hello, you kind of have to what? MULTITASK! Yes.
What is the meaning of multitasking? Doing more than one thing at a time. Well we all do this consciously and or even unconsciously that’s a fact. So my big question here is what is the opposite of multitasking? Is there an exact opposite? I would think it’s death, because you would die if you only do one thing, JUST ONE. I don’t think it’s concentration. I don’t think it is anything. I’m just going to go check it out on google right now…well I got focused. But is it really, now? Can you really focus in one thing? If you can is it for long? I know that for me that is not possible for long. Maybe just for some seconds, but maybe NEVER! I’m sort of like that dog in the movie up when he says,“ I just met you and I feel like I love you. SQUIRELLE!” YES that would be me.
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