We used be the cutest little kids int he world! We would get home from elementary school and we would immediately run to our back yard to play games. You always saw us in our backyard making forts, cakes, houses, mud cakes, games, ice wars between us or us against our dog, and many other stuff like that.
I remember we had a a hug sit and bounce, we actually named the ball. The ball's name was meatball because we loved meatballs back then. I remember that we once decided to become super heroes. So for a week we were tearing clothes apart to make our masks. I also remember how we used to make little drills to train our selves. One of them was to chase the dog around the yard then hold on to him, since he was a big dog. We did that mostly for fun. Once the dog starting getting upset with us he would chase us down so we stopped and made up a new game that involved the dog and water guns. It was called The Big Bear Hunt. We had to hide from the dog they pop out of no where to shoot the dog with our water guns, then we ran away from the 'bear' because he would chase us and try to bite us so we would shoot the 'bear' plenty of times. I also remember when we made our own little club house in the back yard. It was always top secrete. N one knew where we were so they would just yell out our names clueless of where to call out to. That was funny. Up there we used to pretend we were spy's and check what our everyone around was doing. W e even have a box full of junk food for emergencies, like earthquakes or to try and feed a animal anywhere.
AH, BUT THE BEST PART WAS THE WAR FIRST ICE WAR WE HAD. One of our uncles left a big bag of ice outside. We found it and took it. We popped out with many ideas on what to do with it. The best idea was the war. It was Armando, my brother, vs me. He called his side Power Ranger Side. I called my side the Powerpuff Girls Side. So it was Power Rangers vs Powerpuff Girls. W built little forts across the back yard. WE started throwing the ice at each other. This went on for and our until we had no more ice with us. We didn't pick them up because we told our selves that they will melt or the dog will eat them. At the end, I WON!
It was all different when we moved to Utah because we had snow. At first we used to stay at home and play video games on our game box. Of course I always won, because I cheated. Although he never found out. We started getting bored after a while so we took a whole Saturday to make up games with could play outside in the snow. The next day we went across backyards to get to our cousins backyard. We played with them to see what they play. They had a wheel to tided to there tree. COOL. We did more better then them in finding cool ideas on games to play. Th first thing we did was to try to build a snow man. I didn't work! We too little so we couldn't lift all the big balls of ice so we rolled them to the backyard door and stuck them three. The we started making snow balls and throwing them to the door. At the end of the day, we ended up with almost no snow in our backyard, because all of it was stuck to door. It was so stuck in there that no one could go in our out. My mom got mad, but she was glad that we were getting accustomed to the snow. A month later we were a pair of trouble makers. We wouldn't just play in our back yard we would go to our neighbor's yards. All the houses had a door in the backyard. So for us it war a short cut to our cousin's back yard. It funny because we lived around the corner from the mall and we never even felt like going anywhere. The number one place for us would be a backyard with us two, toy or no toys we're good, and our awesome creativity! Those were the days!