Abuse being cyclical is something I can relate to in a bit but at the same time it is hard to analyze my situation when people do not want to talk. It seems to be said that it comes from one source but if one analyzes the situation in depth there are probably many reason from different directions.
Some people do not know why they abuse those that they love. They just do it. I think that it may be something that has and still is affecting them mentally. There can be many reason to create such chaos out of a person but the results are the same. Tough as it is, it tends to go down the line of the family. The person has to acknowledge what the loved one did to them to provoke them to be the same way. To later on not pass it along to their children. Maybe for this to happen one has to hear the fact from another person. Now a days we have psychiatrists to help us unravel the mysteries of our problems and jump over such obstacles that stop us from living comfortably.
This situation of a cyclical abuse has been seen in my family and in a way still there. I have seen that for a person that does not seek for help, it is really hard to break the cycle. Even if one takes it upon them selves to break the cycle and even more, know that there is such cycle. If there still are fragments of the cycle attached, meaning that it is not fully broken it has to be analyse a little more. My mother was one person who had to break the cycle of abuse in her family. Her mother treated her in a horrible way since the day she could walk until my mother took initiative to say, "enough is enough". She had my father to help her out of it. Once she had me, her first born, she did hit me once whrn I was a baby, but then she busted out crying and said, "never again". However, there are those times she turn into something mean. Therefore some part of this cycle are still attached and it is up tp me to trully break all peaces.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
[FREE] This Book
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. Now this is a book to read if you want a challenge. Thanks to my english teacher, Sutherland, I have come to love the knowledge this book haas provided for me. What one discoveres about trying to create justice for all living organisms ranges from every corner. I have only read about one-third of this book. I know it is not a lot but out that section I have learned much. However, before this book I was a solid vegan for about two months or so. After reading this I am no longer vegan, well to an extent. I have learned that we can not create pure justice for all to live in harmony with each other. Some one had to killed to nurish the world. The reason why I became vegan was because I love animals and with my career in mind I would love to help them. Being a normal human carnivore was contradicting this. I had tostart saving these animals some how. So I became vegan. However like Lierre says, "I wont eat anything that has a mother or a face." This was also for some of the huge population of organisms to be saved. Plant are living organisms and so are the seeds. Eating of f of seeds and plants was also killing things that somehow had a face or a mother. This really startled me. For almost a day I did not want to step on grass or anything. I hoped that I was able to float to therefore not damage anyliving organism. However I got further and further in the book and my hope for all of this went down the drain. The was no hope for justice and hormany for ALL. Sadly we had to live in the world like this. I did not know what to do so I just went on as everyone else, to an extent. Knowing the situation about milk I do not drink milk and try to avoind anything hat containes milk form a cow or anythoer animal. The deal about the gross diet that chickens have. I really avooind tat meat and red meat. Sometimes yes my beliefes tend to be igore by my tastes buds and go for that burger and piece of chicken but in my daily life all this is not part of my diet.
Friday, October 14, 2011
[CE] Steve Jobs
"Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said.
Jobs died peacefully, surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement. In recent years Jobs had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant. "
"Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless
innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," read a statement
by Apple's board of directors.
"The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. His greatest love
was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and
to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts." I extracted these quotes from abc news.
I agree with the quote above. This man changed our lives to place of no return. Our world changed dramatically because of his extraordinary gifts to us. Our cars had to change to fit his new advances in technology. It is funny how one man changed our life. This is the one man that made a technological change since cars, radios and TVs. To me he is considered to be as great as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many more. These are the people that made a change toward the better world. We have to thank him for making our lives better in the way of having music on the go and in style. To making technology shrink in. Thanks to him everything has not gotten slimmer. We do not have to walk around with huge blocky cell phones. Oo=ur computers can do so much more and our entertainment life has grown more that what we think. To me this is all normal since I grew up in it but take a look at it through an elder's point of view! They blown away and very perplexed.
When ever we take a look at our iPhones, iPods, Mac products take a moment to say thank you to this man and his crew as well.
Jobs died peacefully, surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement. In recent years Jobs had fought a form of pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant. "

I agree with the quote above. This man changed our lives to place of no return. Our world changed dramatically because of his extraordinary gifts to us. Our cars had to change to fit his new advances in technology. It is funny how one man changed our life. This is the one man that made a technological change since cars, radios and TVs. To me he is considered to be as great as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many more. These are the people that made a change toward the better world. We have to thank him for making our lives better in the way of having music on the go and in style. To making technology shrink in. Thanks to him everything has not gotten slimmer. We do not have to walk around with huge blocky cell phones. Oo=ur computers can do so much more and our entertainment life has grown more that what we think. To me this is all normal since I grew up in it but take a look at it through an elder's point of view! They blown away and very perplexed.
When ever we take a look at our iPhones, iPods, Mac products take a moment to say thank you to this man and his crew as well.
[FREE]Art, Nothigng More But
Drawing is all I do. I started doodling when I was able to hold a pencil. I would always doodle. I had tons of drawings. I gave all of them away, though. Whenever there was a small drawing on my homework for any class in Elementary school I would always color it in very nicely. Not one homework would leave uncolored. My art passion came from thin air. My father is an artist and he walked out when I was 1 so I never really learned from him. My mom can not draw something nicely to save her life. All she can draw are stick people and not that nicely. It is funny. My two youngest uncles once and while showed me something new because my Father taught them how to draw when they were little kids. They always had me doing little techniques to help with my shading and to make perfect circles with one stroke. However, that only lasted about a year. After that they were in their own world of teenage years. Through out my life I always drew objects I saw. I could never come up with some ideas of what to draw. I guess my imagination is not a big and well as my observation skills. When I color I do not just color it in with one color because I notice that there are more than one color in a such thing to make it look exactly how it is. I guess I over think stuff and want them to come out perfect. However, when I draw, my family always says I draw exactly like my dad in every way and I hate that. All of those comments make me sad because I know not much of how this man is and he left behind a talent in genes that I can not share with the one who gave it to me. But drawing is my passion, my gateway to peace. Because when I draw everything around me disappears and I feel like I am taken to a sunny garden with swings and birds. Everythng is so peaceful and my mind is in black. All the focus and thoughts are on the object I am drawing. The; is the shading to light? Should i go darker? what technique to use for this and that? That is my passion for art.
[ESSAY]Business is Business
Cohen's point of view is correct, business wise. Many people may argue his point, but if a business wants to sell they want to do it using every tactic they can find. While making the product, the business has visualized who they are trying to sell to, not being prejudice.Having model look-a-like emplyers promotes the brand and the feel of the store. Promoting a business in this way is not illegal it is just seen as a moral issue.
When businesses are comming up with "the next big thing" they ahave plenty of ideas in mind. While actually putting it in place they have to explain the deatils in depth, from quality of cloths to targeted consumer. Yes, Abercombie & Fitch might project an image that is frowns upon a group of people. They promote an image of mostly white people and some blacks. They say that it is a "classic American look" This may provoke assumtions that they see Americans as only being whites and blacks however that is not the case. They see them as there targeted consumers.Why? Mainly because they see rich white and black people seem to be "picky" with clothes and somewhat prepy. Abercrombie & Fitch provides this for them. The company is being discrimant towards anyone they just had in mind a goal.
When walking into a Abercombie & Fitch store you picture it to have workers that suit the feel of clothes and images of it. Having a person that is the complete opposite you do not really want to buy from that certain person. We immediately start looking for alternative workers to talk to. We want to receive the feel of the store through the people that work there. If those certain people that work there it is because they use the clothes on the daily basis and project the life of the models. This goes for any store. The workers always project the the feel of the store. Such as, Hot Topic, they are always white punk type of people. I have ever seen a formal looking person or an Indian working there. They all are walking, talking, money making billboards.
No company takes the risk to get sewed for doing something illegal. In this matter none of this illegal. The company has the right to hire whom ever they want. It is not as if they are denying the right to anyone who is out of their "classifications" to work there or purchase any item. If a person wants to work in a store that hires upon looks then they know what they are going up upon. It is not like it is a coincidence that in every store they seem to have the same "type" of people working. If they end up working behind the scene it just mean that they do not fit the qualifications to be a a walking billboard not that they are not "pretty enough." These company do not deny any one their right to work where ever they want and buy what ever they want.
This may all seem as if Abercrombie & Fitch is a racist prejudice company, but are they making money? Yes they are, and a lot. Mostly because all people at some own something from their store. Morally it is an issue but it does not affect the right of any person to do as they please when it comes to work and shopping. Business is business and whatever sells with out creating an issue later faced with law, these companies will use. Business men and woman have some sense of morality but profits are first. Such as what a Redpoint Venture Engineer always says, "The only color we see[in business] is green."
When businesses are comming up with "the next big thing" they ahave plenty of ideas in mind. While actually putting it in place they have to explain the deatils in depth, from quality of cloths to targeted consumer. Yes, Abercombie & Fitch might project an image that is frowns upon a group of people. They promote an image of mostly white people and some blacks. They say that it is a "classic American look" This may provoke assumtions that they see Americans as only being whites and blacks however that is not the case. They see them as there targeted consumers.Why? Mainly because they see rich white and black people seem to be "picky" with clothes and somewhat prepy. Abercrombie & Fitch provides this for them. The company is being discrimant towards anyone they just had in mind a goal.
When walking into a Abercombie & Fitch store you picture it to have workers that suit the feel of clothes and images of it. Having a person that is the complete opposite you do not really want to buy from that certain person. We immediately start looking for alternative workers to talk to. We want to receive the feel of the store through the people that work there. If those certain people that work there it is because they use the clothes on the daily basis and project the life of the models. This goes for any store. The workers always project the the feel of the store. Such as, Hot Topic, they are always white punk type of people. I have ever seen a formal looking person or an Indian working there. They all are walking, talking, money making billboards.
No company takes the risk to get sewed for doing something illegal. In this matter none of this illegal. The company has the right to hire whom ever they want. It is not as if they are denying the right to anyone who is out of their "classifications" to work there or purchase any item. If a person wants to work in a store that hires upon looks then they know what they are going up upon. It is not like it is a coincidence that in every store they seem to have the same "type" of people working. If they end up working behind the scene it just mean that they do not fit the qualifications to be a a walking billboard not that they are not "pretty enough." These company do not deny any one their right to work where ever they want and buy what ever they want.
This may all seem as if Abercrombie & Fitch is a racist prejudice company, but are they making money? Yes they are, and a lot. Mostly because all people at some own something from their store. Morally it is an issue but it does not affect the right of any person to do as they please when it comes to work and shopping. Business is business and whatever sells with out creating an issue later faced with law, these companies will use. Business men and woman have some sense of morality but profits are first. Such as what a Redpoint Venture Engineer always says, "The only color we see[in business] is green."
Friday, September 30, 2011
[FREE] Being Vegan to Being Confused
Through out all my life I have lived being truly humble. I try to see every ones point of view and every species too. Even if it is hard I try to look at the world trough there eyes. This fact has made me love all eukaryote and prokaryotes. Evey living thing should have there shot there life as we want our selves to have that shot. Sometimes we even what a second chance at it. This made me become vegan. I did not want to deny any living things its chance in life. Who am I to judge that? I am not god. I am another eukaryote in this world of ignorance. I wanted to be a fair caring person that stop the cycle. I even read, The Jungle's first half. I was disgusted in the way humas treat treat other animals. We have no heart nor do we have respect.
However, after reading the first fourth of The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith, thanks to Mr. Sutherland, I am very perplexed. However, as I always heard from my Pr-Calculus teacher last year, Mrs.Macy, "Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." That is so true. We as humans know nothing, we even try to ignore the facts. We want to see this world as a perfect place. This book contradicts everything of which changed me to become vegan. It tells me that we vegans/vegetarians kill more species than a normal carnivorous person. We encourage agriculture work. Agriculture kills more species than animal farms. People have to go and find more fertile land to create more wheat, corn and such. The extinction of the forest and such kills/puts those species out in exile with no where to go. The kill animals that later become food for decomposers. Those species killed together with animals in food mills too. Oh the irony! The complication of trying to be a truly fair judge is now a more complicating this. This is no white and black picture. "It's all the shade in-between"-Mr.Gross, history teacher.
However, after reading the first fourth of The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith, thanks to Mr. Sutherland, I am very perplexed. However, as I always heard from my Pr-Calculus teacher last year, Mrs.Macy, "Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." That is so true. We as humans know nothing, we even try to ignore the facts. We want to see this world as a perfect place. This book contradicts everything of which changed me to become vegan. It tells me that we vegans/vegetarians kill more species than a normal carnivorous person. We encourage agriculture work. Agriculture kills more species than animal farms. People have to go and find more fertile land to create more wheat, corn and such. The extinction of the forest and such kills/puts those species out in exile with no where to go. The kill animals that later become food for decomposers. Those species killed together with animals in food mills too. Oh the irony! The complication of trying to be a truly fair judge is now a more complicating this. This is no white and black picture. "It's all the shade in-between"-Mr.Gross, history teacher.
I see the poeples position as to try to save the millions of bull killed each year because of this They are big animals and we should protect not deny life to it. However, most of these bulls have been forcefully produced by companies owning a bull farm or just plain bullfights. They basically raise them to be killed in the mire future. They are not taken out of the wild where they are 'wild bulls' to defend there life against trained humans. They are raised to be murdered by there men.I have read many thing like this that are mind trippy. The book is called The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre keith.
Why try to make change if we our self do not know what we are trying to change. We might think we know and our believes blind us from the truth. We need to take a deeper look into the fact about life. Changing this tradition to try to save the bulls. Hey, they are bulls they should know how to defend themselves. It is not like it has nothing to defend its self with. We might be saving one species life but we have to be fair and save all species or kill all species, our selfs too. That is being truly fair judge. Think about it.
[RE]Jazmine Bravo: Taken for Granted
Reading her post reminded me off many things. She is right.We take everything in our life for grated, to an extent. The only things we do not take for granted are the things we worked our butts of to get. Those are the things we will never lose sight of. They are like our trophies stating our succession for accomplishing something as what we saw truly impossible. However, with people that is a different story. The people we do not take for granted, who are they? Think hard now. At the top of my head I an not think of anyone. I always blow my mom off. My dad has never been there. My grandparents, I love them to death but I do tend to take them for grated. Think about it. Do we always call our family from afar for a quick check up and let them know that we care? I do not. Do we always end up in content moods with our parents. I know there is no possible way. We are all human. We tend to always debate with anyone who opposes our view.
For example, the situation with my grandparents. I love them so much. I never call to check up. I do not see them everyday but I do get to see them for at least once a week. However, when I do see them sometimes I try to avoid conversations with them. My mom once brought something to my attention. That they are hard working old people whose bodies are seriously tired. They do not get much sleep because of all the work they have, day and night. I never think of there financial needs when they give me money, I ask to go out somewhere nice, or even worse gift for birthday which they think of as big dollar bills. I take there loving for granted, I take there existence for granted. Now thinking harder, I want to do something special for them something that does not have to be me being older but something possible now.
Never take anything for granted. Everything comes at a price even if we ignore it. Life comes at a price, do not damage your life because you think of it as something positive in a way. Respect your life and life will respect you.
For example, the situation with my grandparents. I love them so much. I never call to check up. I do not see them everyday but I do get to see them for at least once a week. However, when I do see them sometimes I try to avoid conversations with them. My mom once brought something to my attention. That they are hard working old people whose bodies are seriously tired. They do not get much sleep because of all the work they have, day and night. I never think of there financial needs when they give me money, I ask to go out somewhere nice, or even worse gift for birthday which they think of as big dollar bills. I take there loving for granted, I take there existence for granted. Now thinking harder, I want to do something special for them something that does not have to be me being older but something possible now.
Never take anything for granted. Everything comes at a price even if we ignore it. Life comes at a price, do not damage your life because you think of it as something positive in a way. Respect your life and life will respect you.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Look up at the stars
When you look up at the stars
Let the fears slide
Do you take the time to think?
Do you wonder?
Do you blank out?
Or do you just relax?
Tell me what is is about the night sky
That is just so magnetic in life
That is just so magnetic in life
It pulls us in and does not let go
When you feel like something is too much
You are stressing out
Or you just cant find yourself
Take my advice
And take the time to look up at the stars
And take the time to look up at the stars
Let that troubled kid inside
Be abducted by the aliens in the night sky
Be abducted by the aliens in the night sky
Let the fears slide
Take it easy and imagine yourself sitting on your favorite star
Escape the nightmares that haunt you
Live the life that you want to
With the start of a glance outside your starry window
Whipe those tears
Erase those thoughts
Smile a little, laugh a little
Take your time
While you sit on that star ...
Escape the nightmares that haunt you
Live the life that you want to
With the start of a glance outside your starry window
Whipe those tears
Erase those thoughts
Smile a little, laugh a little
Take your time
While you sit on that star ...
[ESSAY] Summer 2010
was the beginning of summer 2010. I wanted to do something productive. I decided to
volunteer somewhere ,not knowing where. While I was walking around
Oakland, I visited my old elementary school, Acorn Woodland Elementary
School. I stopped to say hi to the principle, Ms.Kimmy. Right there and then I though to myself then asked her if they had a summer school starting soon to volunteer my time
into. She told me they did not but the other school in the same campus
was, to go ask if I could, and tell Ms.Nguen, principle of Encompass
Academy, that she had sent me. I went over and left with a date to
first day they had a mandatory staff meeting the day
before it was the starting date for the students. That day I met all the staff and many at a personal level due to activities the
principle assigned. The staff was great; All multicultural which brought
different point of views to the table, all very nice people, young and
old. As I sat there observing and I saw that they all actually cared for
the student's academic achievements. They all shared ideas from little
things of how the special education buses would arrive from to how to
approach kids with who did not get a subject after several times. I was
just there to see how the program will go about, introduce myself, and to know my schedule.
However, I left the room with a new point of view of school staff. My outlook on schools and respect for teacher went to all time high.
first official day of school started and I was excited, for a change. I
had to wait for the students that got dropped off early and play games
with them. After that I went to the first grade classroom for half
hour to help the kids and mostly the teacher. The next hour in my
schedule was dedicated to the third grade class. The one class I spent the longest time with was with the second graders. I spent an hour and a
half. At lunch I help in the cafeteria. After that I had my lunch time,
some times help in the special ed. classes, and other times I just
spent my time with the security. The rest of my time was set on helping
the fifth grade class and anything else the principle wanted me to help
the beginning there was not much to do. Once the real work started to
cave in I learn a lot from the kids and staff. From the kids, I saw that
they do not take school as a must ,as most people do, they take it as a nature, something fun and stimulative. They do
struggle at first but it is all mostly due to lack of concentration
because all they want to do is play. They do not sit there and complain
about their work. They do it while playing around. They helped me see to
always look on the bright side. To take any challenge as a good one and if
you lose there will always be next time. Life is full of second chances
but we have to learn from our mistakes to move on. You should never worry about what other people say about you because you are the one that has to live with the thought of your self. To never criticizes others because it can really affect them. Kids are kids and we all still have that little kiddish self of us inside we will never lose but should never forget because they see the world in a better way.Even though people say kids know nothing they can actually teach us a lot with out them even knowing they are doing so.
Friday, September 23, 2011
[FREE]Ancient Aliens
Lately I have been really into some documentary movies about aliens in the past, Ancient Aliens. They talk about how they are a big part of our history. Not just in ideas but show through actual facts given. However, we do not want to see as truth. They show solid facts but they can be proven wrong. They say that they are what we see as gods. They brought new machinery into our lives and that is how our ancestors were able to produce all of which they did such as the exact measures of the Egyptian pyramids.
However, in other documentaries they talk about how plagues of disease were brought by our so called gods, aliens encounters. They showed that after the "appearance of Virgin Mary" in Spain there was a deadly plague going around that killed thousands of people and so did in many other places throughout history. It just like when the European people first came to America with their dogs. The Native Americans first saw a dog and meaning that they were not immune to the diseases that the dogs carry. There for many people died.
I like watching these documentaries. They are mind blowing ideas set out with cold facts. I see that we are missing a peace of our history's puzzle. Is a top secret society hiding all this from us?Do they think we could not handle knowing that we are not alone out in the universe? Because hey, out of all the galaxies in space I am so sure we could not be the only planet with life.
However, in other documentaries they talk about how plagues of disease were brought by our so called gods, aliens encounters. They showed that after the "appearance of Virgin Mary" in Spain there was a deadly plague going around that killed thousands of people and so did in many other places throughout history. It just like when the European people first came to America with their dogs. The Native Americans first saw a dog and meaning that they were not immune to the diseases that the dogs carry. There for many people died.
I like watching these documentaries. They are mind blowing ideas set out with cold facts. I see that we are missing a peace of our history's puzzle. Is a top secret society hiding all this from us?Do they think we could not handle knowing that we are not alone out in the universe? Because hey, out of all the galaxies in space I am so sure we could not be the only planet with life.
[CE]France bans public prayer
I can see France's direction towards taking this actions. All they want is too make us all equal. They want to start by making all wear the same clothes, doing the same things and worshiping the same god in all the same ways. Doing this there would be no difference to go discriminate upon. There would be nothing to say because everyone does the same things in the same ways.. The only way to stand out is by your personality and slightly in clothes.
Being that there are many religions out in the world. It will be hard to say stop, to some of them. You cannot just tell one person to stop worshiping their god in the way the do it. I t goes against their beliefs and what they have been shown as they have grown up. Telling them to stop is disrespectful in all ways. Not respecting each others cultures is what America was and sort of is all about. That is how we got to where we are today. America disrespects all cultures from the start of it's own time. All because they think that their culture is far superior from all others. America even disrespects people n the sence of skin colors and language barriers. This all
Who is to say we cannot believe in what we want? Worship the way we want? Live the way we want to live? Most people would say there parents but still. Our own beliefs will still be inside us because that is who we are. Who are we judge each other when we are also being judge by others? Respect for each others way of life needs to come first to later determine what truly needs to be addressed as wrong.
[RE] Jazmin Bravo[RE] Justin:My Life
at all these blogs I saw Jazmin’s response to Justin’s blog about some
issues that I now see that most people have being a big issue in the
world towards children. The fact of people having kids when they are not
surely ready for the responsibility it brings fourth. As I have seen
there are many of us who grow up with out one parent and at times with
out both. This really messes with our head. We tend to have more
problems than other kids with there parents. We may not see it at times
but they are there. I have grown up with my dad. The whole story about
how my dad left my mom is too long and complicated. I keep finding out
new part basically every 2 months. I t is painful to hear all this
because it was not all a mutual separation as it was for Justin and
Jazmin. This story hurts my mom everyday and sometimes I go to sleep
crying for it. He did not die it just a rejection from my dad toward my
mom, brother and me. My mom lucky found a new man in her life, my
step-dad, however, it is hard for me to call him dad or have a father
daughter relationship with him. However, all this as Justin said,
"this situation made me who I am today"
For everything that happened to us in the past and recent past we
have come to learn something. I may not know what exactly but we can
tell by the decisions we make today and tomorrow.
Friday, September 16, 2011
[CE]Nasa and Their Plans
Now think bigger! Do you think that if we, earthlings, at a slow pace made this happen how can't other organisms not be as smart or smarter than us with technology. I am a strong believer that we are not the only ones out there. There are so many stars and many more planets rotating around them. We can not be the only planet out there with living smart evolved organisms. So if we are just being able to travel to the neighboring planet, those neighboring planets could also have intelligent organisms traveling at a greater speed than us now. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!! I do not mind the money we have to spend because we could be finding something that could help our population or even better all the Earth. Take it in and imagine the great possibilities. We can expand our knowledge of the unknown outer space and thus helping us expand our knowledge of everything else.
[RE] Great Essay
After listening to Adam Redfield read his UC statement like a really brave warrior. I was amazed. Literally I was speechless. It was great and it made me wonder. When he said,
Even thought this Essay makes me see all this all I sstill see 2 problems to deal with. The main one is about the issues with connecting it being something that college needs to be apart of. He talks a lot about being a computer scientist however this essay is for a college admission person to read and see if this person is a good match for thier school. He needs to add more about how school can help him learn what he cannot learn from anywhere else. Also the second problem is about going off track where he talks about him used to want to become a therapist. That is good to know but still there is no point in telling them this. It makes them think that he is not really set on what he wants to study in life. Over all it is very good. Great job! That is all I want to say about this.
To suddenly be self-aware, to mentally realize that I've been living the "ignorance is bliss" lifestyle truly upset me. My hunger for knowledge of the how and why grew insatiable.That really started me. I saw what he was explaining to the reader. His point made me think of my iPod and phone. Like how are we able to adapt to them so quickly with out ever wondering how it works. It is like breathing in an interestingly smelly area with out even wondering if it could be harmful to our lungs. Also when he stated,
I feel the drive to create a computer or program so mind boggling that it will, in itself, inspire a whole new generation to ask the questions, how and why.this is like saying that he wants to be one of those ingenious computer scientists that made some mind bobbling programs like the ones on futuristic movies. Thinking of all this makes me say that he really wants to make something of himself in this world. Someone that will create big things and improve the way we see and go about in the world with.
Even thought this Essay makes me see all this all I sstill see 2 problems to deal with. The main one is about the issues with connecting it being something that college needs to be apart of. He talks a lot about being a computer scientist however this essay is for a college admission person to read and see if this person is a good match for thier school. He needs to add more about how school can help him learn what he cannot learn from anywhere else. Also the second problem is about going off track where he talks about him used to want to become a therapist. That is good to know but still there is no point in telling them this. It makes them think that he is not really set on what he wants to study in life. Over all it is very good. Great job! That is all I want to say about this.
[FREE]The Senior Year Stress
Senior year, the last year. We get excited just thinking we will graduate soon. The thoughts of leaving the side of our parents because it is time to spread our wings and fly. However, just as birds we also get afraid to take the leap. Just moments away from being up next to jump the nest, stress becomes our best-friend. The stress of looking for a suitable college, applying, finding the money to pay for it, and more clog our brain. The brain can no longer function as well. We try to find people to open up and hope to find the helping hand we need however, it is not so easy to do. The only way to deal with ht e stress we lean on our friends who are also struggling with the same issues. Focusing on college is not the only thing. We still have the issues keeping up a good GPA and not fall into the arms of slacking off and thinking that we have nothing to worry about but have fun. However, these are just the first steps we take to open those wings to their full extent and be set to keep soaring through the sky. This does not mean we have to take cation in the things we do and do not do. We can still have fun because, hey, we are seniors! However, there is a but in this situation. We have think about the future more because the decisions we take now we will shape our lives into what it can and cannot be. We should not be scared to take plunge because we have all met others who have experienced the college life and others. They have all taught us something from the good and bad choices they have made.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
[ESSAY] UC Essay
The medical fields brings up a lot of interest to me. The facts of how life inside bodies work such as how some little cell's shape can change everything. However, if you ask me to do surgery on a body. I might just faint. I might not be able to be behind the surgical mask but I would love to be the one helping surgeon through medical illustrations.
My passion for art has been with me since I was able to hold a writing utensil. At first when looking for a major I thought about art as a full career. However, the income is lower than the bar I set up for myself. Biology has different areas to go into as a career. Now a days looking for a major to focus on the things I like the most, art and biology. A medical illustrator requires to major/minor in both art and biology leading it to fit me as a glove.This job has a good salary too. My mind very is set on what I want to major and minor in.
I have grown up in a family where family comes first and everything else is second. This has very likely shaped the decisions I made. The urge to help my family out of poverty has been my goal since the day I realized the cold true about our financial issues. My grandparents still work day and night and they are almost senior citizens just to pay rent and medical purposes. My mom barely works and we receive welfare money. All this is insufficient for us because we are never really content during holidays because we have to spend money we do not have. Loving my family with all my guts I want to be able to have a career that provides enough money for them to live worry free and for me to live comfortably happy.
Since my family and myself are always measuring our expenses we never get to travel. Traveling for pleasure was not part of our life. Knowing that their is a world out their with different cultures and geographies, I want to be a part of it and see how I can apply it in my everyday life. I would love to take my family out the borders they have set around our home to relax, take in the different cultures, and learn from the people inhabiting the area. I want my career to help me in these aspects in such way that it can be something used not just in the United States but all over the world. The one major common aspect of this world are humans and all humans need medical attention. Being a medical illustrator, jobs are found everywhere.
Dreams come from anywhere, all ranging in size. However, my dreams tie in with the dreams of my grandparents. Seeing that they are still dreaming and they are going nowhere but to the grave. Helping them achieve it before they are gone is my main dream/goal. Knowing that I can be the helping hand through a hard time is better than having anything else. Helping them own that ranch they always wanted with animals ans several plants, would make me as content as any one can be. My next steps are to be a part of a good college, graduate school and then find a job. My mind is set, the only missing pieces are the schools and the job.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Current Event: Drunken Moose
What is the deal with animals these days? Since when do they get drunk? Those were the first thoughts that rushed through my mind when I saw this article about a drunken moose who "supposedly" ended up stuck in a tree. I do not think he dared himself to get to the top of the tree. First of all it was a rainy day windy day where ever they found this moose. Was this moose really drunk? How is that possible? It is very possible. However, not because of alcohol from a moose bar but from fermented apples from the same tree that it was stuck in. The man that found this moose said that it could have been eating the apples from the tree and while doing so, it could have slipped and therefore gotten stuck. I would believe that because of the evidence provided of the tree having fermented apples and being that it was raining, dark and windy.
After seeing that I was like, Whoa! How would they get a moose unstuck of a tree. I have seen a documentary that most all moose are VERY dangerous. Once they see threat they will not stop to try to defend themselves. Knowing this, t unsettled me to know the rest. Did the people there help it out with out getting injured? However they did. Everything was fine. The moose was out and comes over to the same place to just hang around because he could feel safe there.
After seeing that I was like, Whoa! How would they get a moose unstuck of a tree. I have seen a documentary that most all moose are VERY dangerous. Once they see threat they will not stop to try to defend themselves. Knowing this, t unsettled me to know the rest. Did the people there help it out with out getting injured? However they did. Everything was fine. The moose was out and comes over to the same place to just hang around because he could feel safe there.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Children Movies Through Time
I was not out side my house playing in the yard I was watching a movie.
I have grown up watching a bunch of movies, old to new. However, the
ones that really caught my attention were the classic Disney movies. The
originality of them are the thing that I think make a child want to
watch those particular movies. Taking a deeper look into this I have
seen that after those classic movies everything started to change, in
the children movie corporations. In animation not really but in the rest
as in the message they convey to the viewer.
children movies now in day are are trying to copy most concepts from
the all time loved old ones. As to say, how many princes stories do we
have now a day? When the first one was, I think, Cinderella. They try to
convey the same message as being nice/polite pays off, money is not
everything, treating others with respect is the right thing to do, to
not judge others by the way they are seen at first, and many more. There
are the exceptional that convey added messages and in different ways,
such as; Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Beauty and the Beast, and
Sleeping Beauty. However, what is up with making more that tie into
these classics? Such as The Princess and The Frog it is something that
is very alike to those of the classics.
Pixar has come up with the most genius children movies. Who was to say
that they actually look into the eyes of a child to see how life looks
like to them in order to turn it into a movie knowing that many children
will defenetaly want to watch. Such is to say of my #1 favorite movie
series from day one to this day, Toy Story! They actually saw through
the eye of a child to see that many children always wonder if their toys
come a live when they do not look at them. The made a fictional movie
to show that toys come alive.
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